What is a Commercial Security System and How Does it Work

What is a Commercial Security System and How Does it Work

Daniel Hall 16/10/2021
What is a Commercial Security System and How Does it Work

A commercial security system is designed to provide protection for large buildings and businesses, such as restaurants, hotels, or offices.

They are also known as electronic security systems when they use video surveillance in addition to alarms. The goal of these types of systems is to deter crime by making it difficult for thieves to get away with stealing anything without being detected.


Real-Time Monitoring Is Available

Real-time monitoring is available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. There are no breaks or holidays for your security system! If any doors open, windows break, smoke alarms go off or anything else out of the ordinary occurs at your home or business our alarm center will be notified immediately and professional response teams will dispatch to protect you and investigate what happened. In addition to this real-time notification, with www.247kooi.com  you can get an audio recording from all zones that were activated during the period as well as important information such as date/time stamp. This can help troubleshoot problems with false activations whether malicious intent was involved in causing them (i.e.: vandalism) or not which could incidentally happen by accident if someone forgot to close a door or window.

Video Surveillance In Addition To Alarms

A commercial security system is an integrated set of components that work collectively to help protect what matters most. With a video surveillance component in your commercial security solution, you can monitor activity remotely through live streaming or recorded playback. Not only does the ability to view multiple camera angles on one screen provide greater situational awareness but it also allows for faster response time. Modern advancements allow users to manage hundreds of cameras from any location with their mobile phone; allowing them to act promptly against threats without wasting valuable time driving across town and finding parking at the site of incident action. Video surveillance is uniquely capable of offering evidence-based insight into all aspects of business operations including retail loss prevention, workplace safety compliance efforts, and more while providing peace of mind knowing key company assets are protected.

Help Will Arrive Before Any Damage Occurs

The alarm system will be activated if anyone tries to tamper with the premise. If there are any signs of forced entry or glass breakage, your employees can listen in on what's happening at their office space via remote video surveillance. A silent signal confirming that everything is okay will allow them to stay working without worry until they arrive back from lunch/coffee breaks etc... Your commercial security systems have been set up so you don't need to do anything but sit back and relax while they protect the premises for you!

They Are Also Known As Electronic Security Systems

They can be used by both residential and commercial properties just like home security systems, but they vary in the way that they work and how many people can access them. Commercial Security Systems often have a few more features than what you would find on an average home alarm system such as:

- Professional monitoring services are available 24/seven

- Centralized control panel to monitor all cameras from one location rather than having separate ones for each individual camera

- Ability to add or remove devices at any time without needing to resubscribe with your service provider. This is perfect if you’re looking to upgrade or downgrade within the same contract term (which most companies offer) because it means less downtime for your system.

- Ability to access footage remotely via a smartphone or computer anywhere in the world that has an internet connection, perfect if you need to monitor things at home when on vacation

Different From Home Security Systems

Commercial Security Systems require professional installation and monitoring so they can be connected to a Central Monitoring Station.

Though if you’re looking for an affordable option that is still quality made and has all the features of a commercial alarm system then we would recommend checking out the line of DIY Alarm Systems, which offer everything that traditional systems do but with added benefits such as the ability to add or remove devices at any time without needing to resubscribe with your service provider. This is perfect if you’re looking to upgrade or downgrade within the same contract term (which most companies offer) because it means less downtime for your system.


Commercial security systems are different from home alarm systems because they monitor activities in large open spaces while still keeping an eye out around entrances and exits to make sure nobody is loitering about with bad intentions. This way businesses know if their employees need some assistance outside the building before it becomes critical.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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