Will Virtual Reality Finally Take Off? 3 Issues That Are Hindering VR

Will Virtual Reality Finally Take Off? 3 Issues That Are Hindering VR

Naveen Joshi 05/11/2021
Will Virtual Reality Finally Take Off? 3 Issues That Are Hindering VR

Virtual reality (VR) won't take off if the technology remains expensive, doesn't offer interesting games and leads to isolation. 

Will Virtual Reality Finally Take Off?


Virtual reality is not a tweak to an existing platform. Like the metaverse concept, VR is a tectonic shift in how we interact with information and each other.

VR has immense potential to transform people’s lives, but there are specific barriers to VR adoption that hinders the technology from reaching the mainstream.

Any company aims at enhancing customer experience, improving customer trust, and building a strong customer relationship.

Keeping customers happy will help them stay loyal for longer. For this reason, industries invest a lot of capital to leverage VR.

One survey report states that the global market for VR and AR is expected to reach 300 billion U.S. dollars by 2024. This incredible technology, VR, is poised to become the new digital trend, revolutionizing both industries and people’s lives.

But, there has been disappointment around VR adoption in the consumer arena. Though people are enthusiastic about the technology, there are some barriers to VR adoption, which hampers the mainstream use of VR.

What Are The Barriers in Virtual Reality Adoption?

VR hardware manufacturers and VR developers should analyze the below-mentioned hurdles, and then accordingly find an appropriate solution to address these challenges.


1. Expensive Software & Hardware Requirements and Not Affordable

When people decide to buy a new product, price becomes their main concern. Especially when they spend on a new item, they wish to buy at a low cost. The same goes for VR. Since VR is in its nascent stage of consumer adoption, consumers are unsure of benefits and potential of the technology. Hence, customers will not wish to buy a VR headset at a high price. The cost of VR headsets is pretty high. Of course, pricing the VR headsets high is not the manufacturer’s mistake. Developing any new technological hardware is tough and challenging. However, as the technology evolves, there are changes that the hardware becomes affordable to people across America.

2. Less Products and Content & Accessibility

Even if the problem of high price gets resolved, other pressing issues obstruct mass adoption of VR. One such problem that VR faces is lack of quality content. For example, as we know, one of the disruptive areas where VR blooms is in the training of students. To provide immersive training to students, VR developers should build VR apps around good learning content. Another example: instead of immersing people in a museum for a mere walk, VR developers could create content that describes the story of everything in the museum. This way, VR content creators and VR headset manufacturers should work jointly to develop high-quality VR content, having the ability to pull in more customers.

3. Network Connectivity Issues

For a fully immersive experience, VR offers 360-degree view so that customers do not miss out on any angle. But this 360-degree application requires robust Internet connectivity, working with low latency and high speed. The current global availability of Internet connectivity is not as strong and powerful as required. However, the development of 5G technology is ongoing. As soon as 5G technology becomes available worldwide, the barrier of network connectivity will be resolved.

Along with analyzing the price factor and network connectivity issues, VR developers and manufacturers would benefit well with the addition of fun and insightful 3D-image and 3D-audio, offering an impactful experience altogether.

Like all the other fundamental shifts, the move to a full-blown VR market will take time. But the work is underway and the wait will be worth it. 

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Naveen Joshi

Tech Expert

Naveen is the Founder and CEO of Allerin, a software solutions provider that delivers innovative and agile solutions that enable to automate, inspire and impress. He is a seasoned professional with more than 20 years of experience, with extensive experience in customizing open source products for cost optimizations of large scale IT deployment. He is currently working on Internet of Things solutions with Big Data Analytics. Naveen completed his programming qualifications in various Indian institutes.

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