Vasilii Chekalov Tech Expert

Vasilii Chekalov is a computer geek with great affinity for healthy lifestyle and weights. While not at the gym, his inquisitive mind devours information about digital marketing, outreach strategies and growth hacks. Master organizer, he knows the Α and the Ω of potent and enticing virtual presence.


Top 5 Reasons To Go With Premium WordPress Themes

WordPress is for everyone, and this is reflected by the number of sites powered by the software. People know that they need WordPress to create their site. However, they may not be completely aware of the fact that a premium WordPress theme can help their sites in tons of formats. You may be wondering why on earth would you ever pay for a premium theme when you have access to free ones. That is a reasonable question to ask, but there are in fact a multitude of reasons as to why you should choose a premium theme for your WordPress site. We’ll explore these reasons in this article. 


Why You Should Be Automating Follow-Up Emails

There are many ways for businesses to communicate with customers, but email stands out as the leading method for marketers. It’s easy and inexpensive and allows you to reach a large audience. But you do have to take steps to ensure that your campaigns have every chance of success. 


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