What Does Self-Awareness Have to Do with Being Successful?

We all have habits - some good, some bad. And, some really annoying ones. The problem is not with having those good, bad or annoying habits. The problem is not realizing when these habits become the cause of our downfall. And, we are not even aware of them.


Doing this One Thing Will Keep You Inspired and Motivated at Work

Human beings are creatures of habit. Habits shape our life, from bad to good and from good to better until we reach the best. However, keeping company with bad habits could also mean the cycle gets reversed and you start to move in the opposite direction.


Dietary Truth For People and Planet Alike

Excerpted below is the two-page conclusion from The Truth about Food. For the remaining ~750 pages and answers to every question you may have about coffee and calories; lentils and lollipops; protein and probiotics; soy, and sugar, and salt, and saturated fat and supplements...click here.


US Wages: The Short-Term Mystery Resolved

The Great Recession ended more than nine years ago, in June 2009. The US unemployment rate declined slowly after that, but it has now been below 5.0% every month for more than two years, since September 2015. Thus, an ongoing mystery for the US economy is: Why haven't wages started to rise more quickly as the labor market conditions improved? Jay Shambaugh, Ryan Nunn, Patrick Liu, and Greg Nantz provide some factual background to address this question in "Thirteen Facts about Wage Growth," written for the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution (September 2017). The second part of the report addresses the question: "How Strong Has Wage Growth Been since the Great Recession?"


Dear Leaders: You Aren't That Good

Sitting in the conference room, I watched a familiar scenario play out in front of me the way it had many times prior.  One person talked for most of the time, while walking around the room with a sense of ownership and a raised voice like some kind of monarch. The people sitting around the conference table (his subjects) nodded their heads in agreement, giving eye rolls to one another privately, and speaking up only to confirm a point or to give a quick status update.  

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