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6 years

Why You Should Give Up Your Dream of Becoming a Digital Nomad

When I think about all the reasons why I love being a business owner it really boils down to one main motivator: freedom (Being from New Hampshire where the state motto is "Live Free or Die" may play a big role in this).

6 years

The Three Truths of Working Hard

One of the most important lessons we learn in our lives is that if you want to be successful, you need to work hard. Whilst this statement is theoretically accurate, it’s often interpreted it in the wrong way.

6 years

How to Measure the Effectiveness of a Social Media Campaign

Social media has infused every corner of our lives. It has become an important part of our daily routine influencing every single decision that we make. 

6 years

Front End Technologies 2018

The digital world is a multi-layered one, multiple pieces of technology come together to deliver an experience to you through a screen. If you ever think about how web pages and websites are made, a lot goes on behind the curtain. If you’re new to Web Development, we’re going to break down for you the technologies you should be aware of.

6 years

Eliminate Cognitive Friction to Maximize Human Performance

Improving cognitive performance is a strategic imperative for anticipatory leaders. Yet, cognitive performance slows down due to cognitive friction. Cognitive friction occurs when professionals can’t think through uncertainties clearly in their minds. These uncertainties include:

6 years

Is a Social CEO More Successful?

Would it surprise you if I said that 60% of the CEO's on the Fortune 500 didn't have any kind of presence on any social media platform? Well according to research from and DOMO it's a fact.

6 years

Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid - Part 2

In a previous article, we discussed a few social media marketing mistakes to avoid. As you can see, there are a lot more things to be informed when it comes to social media marketing. You’re probably making a lot of social media mistakes already without realizing it! We’re here to make sure you can avoid these mistakes.