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6 years

Will Artificial Intelligence Disrupt Your Profession?

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is a technological advance for humankind that has some people excited and others terrified of what is to come. The main concern is rooted in what A.I. will do to jobs, and how we as human beings will be affected by changes in digital and mechanical techniques.

6 years

Successful Teams Come From Leaders Who Do These 5 Things

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out some professional teams are higher performing than others. Not only do high-performing teams contribute to better business outcomes, but their team members embrace the daily challenge to solve problems and achieve things together.

6 years

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

Two decades ago, people made physical purchases after watching ads on billboards or televisions. But things have changed in 2019, customers prefer to make informed decisions on the Internet: Mulitiple clicks followed by a conversion.

6 years

What Mars Can Teach us about Designing Government Services

Billionaires are battling it out to make history in today’s new space race. But what can space colonies teach us about improving the public sector here on earth and how can design teams take practical advantage?

6 years

How to Build a Strong Brand Identity

“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” This adage is very true with regard to brand identity as well. What is a strong brand identity? As the adage indicates, it is how others perceive you, the identity or image you convey to the minds of people when they hear the name of your organization. A common pitfall that many fall into when considering how to build a strong brand identity is to believe that they know how their business is perceived. They try to see things from their own perspective, forgetting that a strong brand identity depends on ‘the eyes of the beholder,’ or how they are perceived by potential customers.

6 years

Essential Digital Marketing Tools

From a carpenter to a doctor, everyone uses tools. There is nothing a skilled workman can do without tools. Even the simplest tool can help a man in accomplishing great things. This is very true in digital marketing. Without the right tools for digital marketing, your entire digital marketing strategy might collapse. There are a number of digital marketing tools and techniques available in the market. So how will you decide which of these digital marketing tools are right and essential for your company? Are there any specific marketing tools for small business?

6 years

Are You A Collaborative Leader?

Most executives agree that collaboration is more important than ever in today's turbulent business environment. In fact, a company's very survival may depend on how well it can combine the potential of its people and the quality of the information they possess with their ability -- and willingness -- to share that knowledge throughout the organization. Deloitte’s recent Future of Work research find 65 percent of the C-Level executives surveyed have a strategic objective to transform their organization’s culture with a focus on connectivity, communication, and collaboration.

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