The Pivotal Role of Cyber-Ethics in the Age of Hybrid Augmented Intelligence

The Pivotal Role of Cyber-Ethics in the Age of Hybrid Augmented Intelligence

The Pivotal Role of Cyber-Ethics in the Age of Hybrid Augmented Intelligence

Global organizations like the EU, UN, OECD, WEF, World Bank, IMF, WHO, and UNESCO have significantly advanced in creating cyber and ethics frameworks.

These frameworks offer essential guidelines for addressing the challenges posed by rapid technological advancements, particularly in the realms of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and intelligent automation. While these frameworks are an important step forward, it is crucial to translate them into actionable guidelines for hybrid augmented workflows to ensure their successful implementation.

Role of Cyber-Ethics in HAI

Hybrid augmented intelligence (HAI) encompasses various types of workflows, each requiring distinct cyber-ethics guardrails. Workflows with humans in the loop involve active human decision-making, with AI systems providing support or recommendations. In these scenarios, cyber-ethics guidelines must ensure transparency, accountability, and fairness in AI assistance while preserving human autonomy and decision-making authority.

On the other hand, workflows without humans in the loop depict autonomous AI systems operating independently. Cyber-ethics for such workflows must focus on algorithmic transparency, bias mitigation, and accountability mechanisms to prevent unintended consequences and ensure responsible AI behavior.

It's essential to harmonize cyber-ethics guidelines with other enterprise priorities that intersect with HAI, such as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Integrating cyber-ethics into these broader frameworks ensures alignment with organizational values and goals, fostering ethical and sustainable AI deployment.

Future Directions

Future research and development in cyber-ethics will extend beyond the need to adapt to HAI workflows powered human-computer interfaces (HCI) to encompass workflows adapted to the quantum and satellite internet era. These emerging technologies introduce new complexities and data privacy challenges, such as data security, privacy, and sovereignty in a hyper-connected world.

Addressing these challenges and safeguarding digital trust will require interdisciplinary collaboration among ethicists, cybersecurity experts, technologists, policymakers, and other stakeholders. It is vital to develop robust, sustainable, and highly adaptable cyber-ethics frameworks for workflows powered by human-computer interfaces, quantum computing, satellite internet, and beyond.

Through ongoing research, dialogue, and innovation, we can pave the way for a future where technology serves humanity responsibly and ethically, irrespective of the medium through which it interacts with us.

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Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes

Innovation Expert

Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, MD MBA Is a healthcare executive, futurist and globalist who is highly dedicated to digital and ethics advocacy. She is a Forbes Business Council member, digital strategist, passionate educator and entrepreneurship ecosystem builder, known as an expert speaker, board advisor and consultant. Throughout her career she has received several awards for excellence in research, teaching or leadership. She is the recipient of numerous awards most notably: WBAF World Excellence AwardSocial Entrepreneurship 2021, Top 20 Global Leaders in Digital Twins Technologies, Top 50 Global Leaders in Health Tech,Top 50 Global Ecosystem Leaders, Top 100 Visionary In Education Award 2021, Top 100 Global Women in Leadership Award 2021, Top 100 World Women Vision Award, 2021-Innovation & Tech, Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise 2021 (nominee),Top 50 Global Thinkers (Nominee),Nations of Women Change Makers Award(finalist),Top 100 Healthcare Leader 2020 Award, Top 100 Finance Leader 2020 Award, and Top 100 Women in Crypto 2020. Additionally, she serves as an Expert Advisor to the EU Blockchain Observatory Forum, and was appointed to the Board of UN Legal and Economic Empowerment Network. Dr. Vasiliu-Feltes is CEO of Softhread Inc., the Founder and CEO of The Science, Entrepreneurship and Investments Institute, and currently serving as a Country Director for WBAF USA, Senator of WBAF, Faculty Member of the WBAF Business School-Division of Entrepreneurship, and teaching the Executive MBA Business Technology Course at the UM Business School. She is also acting as the Chief Innovation Officer for the Government Blockchain Association. Most recently she served as President of Detect Genomix, Chief Quality and Safety Officer Chief and Innovation Officer for Mednax, Chief Quality and Safety Officer and Chief of Compliance for the University of Miami UHealth System During her academic tenure she taught several courses within the Medical School, as well as the combined MD/PhD and MD/MPH programs. Throughout her career, Dr. Vasiliu-Feltes held several leadership positions and is a member of numerous prestigious professional organizations. She holds several certifications, such as Bioethics from Harvard, Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy from MIT Sloan, Blockchain Technology and Business Innovation from MIT Sloan, Finance from Harvard Business School, Negotiation from Harvard Law School, Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Stanford Graduate School of Business, Certified Professional in Healthcare Risk Management, Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, Patient Safety Officer by the International Board Federation of Safety Managers, Master Black Belt in Lean and Six Sigma Management, Professional in Healthcare Quality by the National Association of Healthcare Quality, Manager for Quality and Organizational Excellence, by the American Society for Quality, and Certified Risk Management Professional by the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management. Additionally, Dr. Vasiliu-Feltes is an Honorary Advisory Board Member of several companies, as well as an Editorial Board Member for several international publications, an author and TV/Media partner.

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