What to Do If Someone Hurts Themselves in Your Store

What to Do If Someone Hurts Themselves in Your Store

Daniel Hall 03/10/2022
What to Do If Someone Hurts Themselves in Your Store

In business, you always need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

As a store owner, one of the worst-case scenarios is that somebody hurts themselves in your store whether this is a slip, trip or fall or any other kind of accident. In these situations, you need to act in the most appropriate manner to help the individual but also to take care of your business.

So, what should you do if someone hurts themselves in your store?

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1. Check On Them

First, you need to check on them and acting swiftly is key. Having a first aid kit and knowing how to give first aid is important, but you may also need to call an ambulance for them. Even if they say that they are ok, keep in mind that some injuries do not present immediately so they should always get checked over by a healthcare professional.

2. Assess the Situation

Once you have made sure that they are safe and that the area is secure, you can then start to assess the situation. You need to work out what the sequence of events were and whether or not it was the fault of the customer or the business. CCTV is perfect for this, but you may also want to gather a few witness statements to get different points of view. It is also a good idea to take photos of the accident site. You can then take action to make sure that this accident does not happen again.

3. Make a Record Of It

Even if it seems like a minor incident, you should still make a record of it. This should include information on what happened and any evidence, including witness statements, photographs and CCTV footage. 

4. Reach Out

In the days after the accident, it is a nice touch to reach out to the customer to see how they are doing and if there is anything that you can do to help. You may also want to offer some form of compensation whether this is a free gift, voucher or discount.

5. Make Sure That You Have Coverage

If someone suffers an injury in your shop and it was your fault, then there is a good chance that they will file for compensation. The cost of compensation claims can be high, especially if they are life changing injuries. Make sure that you have all forms of small business insurance, especially public liability coverage to protect your business in the event of a claim.

These are the main steps that you will need to take if a customer injuries themselves on your property. Hopefully, this will not be a scenario that you find yourself in, but it is important to be prepared for all scenarios and acting quickly is key in these situations.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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