4 Legal Facts Transport-Based Companies Should Know About Road Crashes

4 Legal Facts Transport-Based Companies Should Know About Road Crashes

Daniel Hall 24/07/2022
4 Legal Facts Transport-Based Companies Should Know About Road Crashes

Anyone who is even remotely involved in the transportation industry knows that this industry has experienced major growth over the past couple of years.

One of the best examples of it is motor carriers that seem to be busier than ever.

That's precisely one of the reasons why transport-based companies are in need of more drivers, particularly the ones who are willing to spend a lot of time on the road. Sadly, this increase in demand has led to an increase in the number of road accidents.

Any type of vehicle accident, whether it's serious or minor can cause serious trauma, both physically and mentally, however, if you take the right steps you just might reduce the consequences of this negative occurrence. If you're not sure what to do, then we suggest checking out these tips below.

Things That Transport-Based Companies Should Do After A Vehicle Crash


Contact Your Attorney Right Away!

It is widely known that accidents involving commercial vehicles can be life-threatening causing some serious injuries and even death. The speed, size, and mass of a semi-truck can do some major damage to smaller vehicles.

Now, it doesn’t matter whether your driver has caused this incident or not, what matters is to immediately call your lawyer because he or she will know exactly what to do in these types of situations.

Now, if you’ve never hired a solicitor for these purposes, and you’re not sure how to determine whether a certain individual is right for you, then we suggest relying on online reviews or word-of-mouth recommendations.

According to the reviews we've come across online, the wonderful city of Lincolnton (North Carolina) is loaded with seasoned and knowledgeable advocates. Therefore, if you live in the vicinity of this city, or you live precisely there, then it would be advisable to contact a Lincolnton car accident attorney who is going to be capable of protecting the rights of you and your company. Keep in mind, that having a high-quality lawyer to pursue your claim is most likely one of the most crucial decisions you will make when it comes to this.

If you still don't have insurance for your fleet, it would be wise to research the best truck insurance companies to ensure you are adequately covered. It may also be beneficial to have a lawyer review your insurance policies to ensure that they are sufficient in the event of an accident.

Call The Police

Unfortunately, these types of incidents frequently cause hazardous injuries in their wake. Even if it appears to be like everyone is doing okay, you still need to contact 911 to report the crash. Why is this necessary?

Well, that’s because police must visit the scene so they can properly make an accident report. For instance, in Texas, a person is obligated to report any vehicle accident that involves death, injury, or any property damage higher than $1,000.

Besides the police accident report, your firm is supposed to be familiar with how you can develop your own accident report. In case you didn't know, this report must include a lot of relevant information, such as the time, date, location of the collision, weather conditions, insurance information of both parties, contract information, etc.

Bear in mind, that you're not supposed to leave the scene of the accident until the police allow you to do so.

Providing You With More Useful Information Below


Help The Police As Much As You Can 

Once the police come on the scene, they will set up a safe parameter around the site right of the batt to divert vehicles from the scene where the collision happened. Besides that, they will also try to find the best way to help everyone get out of the vehicle safely.

After that, an officer will most likely make a written report while everything regarding the accident is still fresh in the minds of everybody who was involved. You should do everything you can to recount every single detail as you remember it, even if the things that are not as significant. 

If you’re able to, you should make an audio recording of everything that’s on your mind concerning this unfortunate event that could be a compelling testimony to assist your case in court. Don’t forget that you should never admit anything, or even apologize no matter how you’re currently feeling.

Exchange Information & Gather Evidence

You should exchange insurance and contact info with everybody involved. Besides that, you should also take pictures of your vehicle along with the surrounding area. It's of huge importance to properly preserve all evidence as much as possible. Remember that attorneys know exactly how to track down every piece of evidence like:

  1. Eyewitness testimony

  2. Images of the accident scene and damaged property

  3. Medical records

  4. Mobile phone records

A lot of transportation-based companies are not sure what they’re supposed to do when something like this occurs, which is why we provided you with this information above to help you figure out what to do after these incidents.

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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