More in Global Economy

3 months

Bank of England Signals Shift in Monetary Policy Amid Inflation Dynamics

In a notable departure from its recent stance, the Bank of England has chosen to maintain its benchmark interest rates at 5.25%.

3 months

Converting Office Buildings to Housing: Limits of the Possible

There are cities with high vacancy rates in their office buildings, as work-from-home has become more common.

3 months

Why Americans Do Not Expect a Strong Economy this Year

The euphoria with the fourth quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figure makes no sense.

3 months

Thoughts about US Steel

A Japanese firm has recently announced that it was buying U.S. Steel for $14.9 billion.

3 months

US Crowned ‘World’s Fastest Growing Advanced Economy’ Following 3.3% Growth in Fourth Quarter

The US economy grew at a 3.3% annualized rate between October and December to round off a ‘standout’ 2023.

3 months

The 30% Solution: Gains from Trade

In 2022, total US exports of goods and services were $3 trillion, while imports were $3.9 trillion.

3 months

Economics is for the Birds

There used to be a recognized academic field of “economic ornithology”.