More in Global Economy

2 months

Finding Your Artificial Intelligence Ally

The age of artificial intelligence (AI) is upon us, and businesses of all sizes are scrambling to harness its potential.

2 months

Why Humans Should Both Embrace and Approach AI with Caution

AI promises a future with robots solving humanity's most pressing problems.

2 months

All Three Sides of the Global Energy Challenge

It sometimes feels to me as if issues about energy are all being condensed down into climate change issues.

2 months

“Check Your Banners and Your Membership Cards at the College Gate”

The Columbia University campus, along with many other college campuses, has been convulsed in the last few months by slogan-chanting, banner-waving protests.

2 months

Uber/Lyft vs. the Minneapolis City Council: Denouement

Last week, I posted about the attempt by the Minneapolis City Council to set higher pay for Uber and Lyft drivers, and the threat by the rideshare companies to withdraw from Minneapolis or from Minnesota as a whole if the law was enacted.

2 months

Declining Labor Share: Measurement and Causes

The “labor share” refers to the share of income in an economy paid to labor.

2 months

The Hidden Cost of Inflation: Why Gold Outshines Bonds in an Era of Currency Destruction

In a world where the money supply is expanding at an unprecedented rate, the persistence of inflation is hardly a shock.

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