Helen Yu Innovation Expert

Helen Yu is a Global Top 20 thought leader in 10 categories, including digital transformation, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, cybersecurity, internet of things and marketing. She is a Board Director, Fortune 500 Advisor, WSJ Best Selling & Award Winning Author, Keynote Speaker, Top 50 Women in Tech and IBM Top 10 Global Thought Leader in Digital Transformation. She is also the Founder & CEO of Tigon Advisory, a CXO-as-a-Service growth accelerator, which multiplies growth opportunities from startups to large enterprises. Helen collaborated with prestigious organizations including Intel, VMware, Salesforce, Cisco, Qualcomm, AT&T, IBM, Microsoft and Vodafone. She is also the author of Ascend Your Start-Up.

Does Artificial Intelligence Improve Company Culture?

Does Artificial Intelligence Improve Company Culture?

Most organizations that are using artificial intelligence (AI) reported improvements in their company culture. 

The Biggest Breakthrough of Our Time Might Be Something We’ve Always Known

The Biggest Breakthrough of Our Time Might Be Something We’ve Always Known

The acceleration of technology has come by way of its promise to work anywhere, anytime. Except, therein lies the problem. 

Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Need a Social Licence?

Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Need a Social Licence?

According to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), companies have no option but to acquire a social license for AI.

The Unlikely Synergy Between Security And Employee Experience

The Unlikely Synergy Between Security And Employee Experience

A positive digital employee experience matters for any organization.

How We Look At Cars Today Is Changing How We Make Them

How We Look At Cars Today Is Changing How We Make Them

While the look and feel of our cars has changed, the way we drive them hasn't.


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