Imtiaz Adam Artificial Intelligence Expert

Imtiaz Adam is a Hybrid Strategist and Data Scientist. He is focussed on the latest developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques with a particular focus on deep learning. Imtiaz holds an MSc in Computer Science with research in AI (Distinction) University of London, MBA (Distinction), Sloan in Strategy Fellow London Business School, MSc Finance with Quantitative Econometric Modelling (Distinction) at Cass Business School. He is the Founder of Deep Learn Strategies Limited, and served as Director & Global Head of a business he founded at Morgan Stanley in Climate Finance & ESG Strategic Advisory. He has a strong expertise in enterprise sales & marketing, data science, and corporate & business strategist.

Where is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Going in 2021?

Where is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Going in 2021?

Artificial intelligence is going to the Edge and more so in 2021.

The Rise of the Transformers: Explaining the Tech Underlying GPT-3

The Rise of the Transformers: Explaining the Tech Underlying GPT-3

GPT-3 is generating a lot of hype. 

Applying AI Towards A Better World: GDP, Jobs Growth & Less Pollution

Applying AI Towards A Better World: GDP, Jobs Growth & Less Pollution

The economic recession that follows as a consequence of the Covid-19 crisis and in particular the demise of certain sectors of the economy (physical retail, hospitality sector, etc) means that there will be greater pressure on politicians around the world to consider how to stimulate GPD growth in the post-pandemic world.

How to Make Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Work for You

How to Make Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Work for You

Investment in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and deep learning are growing from organizations outside the tech space.

An Enlightened Future with Artificial Intelligence

An Enlightened Future with Artificial Intelligence

The decisions that we make now and in the near future will set the tone for the rest of the decade including how artificial intelligence (AI) may develop and how we will use it.


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