Global Disaster, Mobile Health IT and Blockchain Part 2

Part One of this Article focused on the underutilization of existing technologies to improve disaster relief in the field of healthcare. Now we turn to another relatively new technology that has already been applied to the personal health arena; although, there has been considerable discussion as to its merits generally and in healthcare in particular: blockchain.  And, for the record, blockchain will not be the only or last technological advance to infiltrate healthcare.


Chatbots Replacing FAQ & Customer Service

Whether it is on mobile or desktop, you should have already noticed a lot of chat-bot integration for fun on messaging applications or for customer relationship management. By 2020, most of the digital interactions will be with voice chatbots, which will be integrated with machine learning & artificial intelligence on the background to serve better output. Level 1 customer service helpdesks will mostly cease to exist.


6 Future Technologies that are Trending!

Technology is playing a big role in shaping our future, considering how far we have come thanks to it. These technologies are giving us immense power to do things we couldn’t in the past. With everyday passing by, the human race is more and more dependent on technology, be it smartphones, artificial intelligence or anything the Internet facilitates. Machines and technology have changed our lives and will continue to bring interesting developments in the near future.


HR Can’t Solve Sexual Harassment When HR is Part of the Problem

A few weeks ago, I met a woman (let’s call her Andrea) who doesn’t believe transgender people deserve special protections, either at her company or under the law. She made this clear during an industry conference on discrimination and diversity. The moderator had been explaining how many Fortune 500 firms were adopting policies on restroom usage with the goal of inclusivity, when Andrea suddenly interrupted her.


Tech Predictions for 2018

Looking back, 2017 was a significant year for technology. Consider that at the beginning of 2017, Bitcoin was virtually unknown to most people , and Artificial Intelligence was something that they had perhaps heard of once or twice, but was still a concept confined to science fiction. Cloud computing was still untested to many people, and hardly anyone would realise how prevalent Bots would become a mere 12 months later.

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