Stories - Chapter 17

Two years ago, over Christmas, I was on a beach in the Philippines. It was a deserted beach, and this lady just decorated her beachfront with things made out of natural materials: silver stars wrapped with aluminum foil, straws made of bamboo, bowls made of coconut shell... People were crafty, resourceful. With no money, they were able to make something out of nothing. At the time, my partner was writing a blog. He asked me, if I’d write something, what would it be? I thought, it would be about crafts, and travel. That’s how we came up with the name Crafty Nomad.


8 Technology Takeaways from 2017

2017 was an incredible year for technology. From innovations that made our homes smarter (like smart-speakers), to those that made us efficient at work (like AI) and those that made everything in between (e.g. our cars) better, technology has never felt as omnipresent as it did this past year.


From The Internet Of Things To The Internet Of Life

I think Apple is exactly right. What’s a computer? With recent inroads into health and medicine, Apple is teaching something very special. And its new TV spot hits the nail on the head! It’s not the Internet of Things (IoT), it's the Internet of Life (IoL)!

4 Key Reasons Employees Quit but Don't Leave

4 Key Reasons Employees Quit but Don't Leave

As I watched from afar my suspicions were confirmed. He quit but kept coming in every day. He was doing just enough to stay off his manager's radar, but I knew his days were full of boredom, surfing the web, complaining, and waiting for the weekend. 


Why AI Sentience is a Non-starter

Can artificially intelligent robots one day become sentient, like humans? Sentience is the ability to feel, perceive and respond to the sensations of sight, hearing touch, taste or smell. How human can robots become? It is matter of the degree, a gradient.

  • 27/01/2018
  • 11
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