Luke Fitzpatrick Tech Expert

Luke Fitzpatrick has been published in Forbes, Yahoo! News and Influencive. He is also a guest lecturer at the University of Sydney, lecturing in Cross-Cultural Management and the Pre-MBA Program. You can connect with him on LinkedIn.

5 Steps to Digitise Your Startup’s Financial and Business Processes

5 Steps to Digitise Your Startup’s Financial and Business Processes

Each and every department of your business serves a unique purpose, one that defines how quickly you can succeed and how seamlessly you can scale your operations while you grow.

8 Ways to Upgrade Your Home and Add Value to Your Property

8 Ways to Upgrade Your Home and Add Value to Your Property

A home is a valuable asset and ought to be adequately cared for. Whether you plan to sell your house or use it as security for a loan, keeping it up to date and upgraded is a sure way to increase its value. 

7 Tips on Setting up a new City Apartment

7 Tips on Setting up a New City Apartment

Setting up a new apartment is stressful, especially when you are doing this in a new city which is very unfamiliar to you.

10 Marketing Tips for Businesses to Recover After Coronavirus

10 Marketing Tips for Businesses to Recover After Coronavirus

Only a few weeks ago, quarantine and social distancing would become the new norm for a large percentage of the population.

A Short Guide to the Best Skateboard Bearings

A Short Guide to the Best Skateboard Bearings

Whether you are a professional or beginner skateboarder, investing in high-quality skateboard abec 7 bearings is extremely important. 


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