Patrick Tan Crypto Expert

Patrick is an innovative entrepreneur and a lawyer passionate about cryptocurrencies and the business world. He is the CEO of Novum Global Technologies, a cryptocurrency quantitative trading firm. He understands the business concerns of founders and business people helping them to utilise the legal framework to structure their companies to take advantage of emerging technologies such as the blockchain in order to reach greater heights. His passion for travel, marketing and brand building has led him across careers and continents. He read law at the National University of Singapore and graduated with Honors in the Upper Division and joined one of Singapore’s top law firms, Allen & Gledhill where he was called to the Singapore Bar as an Advocate & Solicitor in 2005. He created Purer Skin, a skincare and inner beauty company which melds the traditional wisdom of ancient Asian ingredients such as Bird's Nest with modern technology. In 2010, his partner and himself successfully raised $589,000 from the National Research Foundation of Singapore under the Prime Minister’s Office. He has played a key role in the growth of Purer Skin from 11 retail points in Singapore to over 755 retail points in Singapore and 2 overseas in less than a year. He taught himself graphic design, coding, website design and video editing to create the Purer Skin brand and finished his training at a leading Digital Media Company. 



The Secret to Cryptocurrencies is 42

Douglas Adams’ A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a giant computer called Deep Thought, having spent exactly 7.5 million years pondering on Life, the Universe and Everything finally and solemnly announces that the Ultimate Answer is . . . “42”.


Cryptocurrencies & An Inflationary Tale

Hans Wagner shuddered whenever he was tasked by his mother to buy a loaf of bread at the local bakery in the tiny hamlet of Quedlinburg, Germany. Ever since the end of the Great War, inflation had run out of control across the Weimar Republic rendering the Reichsmark virtually worthless, meaning that something as simple as buying a loaf of bread could be a logistically challenging task.


The IMF’s Answer to A Global Cryptocurrency

As Thomas Harding stood in the sweltering 100-degree heat beating down on his exposed forehead in downtown Phnom Penh, he started to regret not having brought his hat from the hotel, which was now a good 30-minute drive away.


Nothing is More Decentralized than Cryptocurrency Regulation

If you’ve ever played “Whack-A-Mole” at the arcade, you’ll know just how frustrating and pesky those moles can be. Just as you think you’ve beaned one on the head, another one comes up somewhere else.


Bakkt to the Drawing Board for the World’s First Deliverable Bitcoin Futures

Henry Harianto wipes another bead of sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. His tattered singlet plastered with sweat against his skinny bony back, the 24-year-old Indonesian is waiting patiently at the docks of Jakarta’s Tanjung Priok port to load a delivery.


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