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5 years

Detox - Getting Started

Detoxing results in increased energy and improved digestion. It helps give our digestive system a rest and clears out toxins from our system that make us feel sluggish.

5 years

Akathesia: A Tortured Restlessness

There are particular side effects from medicine that physicians want to know right away if you have. Akathesia is one of them. Akathesia is a sensation of inner restlessness so bad that it can actually increase the risk of suicide. People suffering from it are unable to sit still and often describe it as a creepy-crawly sensation inside of them. Akathesia treatment usually works pretty quickly. Let’s go over what is akathesia to be sure you can recognize it in the unfortunate chance that you or someone you know experiences it.

5 years

Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion Hyponatremia & Symptoms

Hyponatremia means a low amount of sodium in the blood. This may sound like a good thing since doctors are frequently telling people to limit salt intake, but in this case, the low sodium isn’t healthy and in fact, can be extremely dangerous. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is one of the conditions that leads to hyponatremia. SIADH symptoms can be induced by many different medications prescribed for psychiatric conditions, including antidepressants and mood-stabilizers. What is SIADH hyponatremia? Let’s review what it means, the causes of SIADH, and the details of the symptoms SIADH causes so you know what to watch for.

5 years

How to Stop Ruminating: Ruminative Thinking Doesn’t Solve Problems

Do you get a thought stuck in your head and then can’t stop thinking, analyzing, and worrying about it? Are these thoughts negative and focused on possible mistakes you have made? Do you let problems eat away at you? These are examples of ruminating thoughts. Ruminative thinking is not problem-solving that is productive, it is the tendency to repetitively think about situations that are upsetting. Figure out how to stop ruminating by first learning the rumination definition to recognize them when they are occurring.

5 years

The 90-90-90 Principle before Jumping into Artificial Intelligence Implementation

Only one third of artificial intelligence (AI) projects have succeeded. There are 3 key reasons that explain the failure of artificial intelligence projects:

5 years

The Emperor’s Healthy Climate

As I write this, children around the world- by the millions- are poised to skip school to protest our avarice, delusion, myopia, and irresponsibility, and demand action on climate change. As children speak their truth to the colossal failures of our power, we might all constructively recall that we were children once.

5 years

How to Practice Retail Medicine

Walmart, the world’s biggest retailer, is moving deeper into the primary care and mental health market, opening a new clinic called Walmart Health in Georgia. But for retailers when the inevitable winds of change blow with increased competition, the retailer can be rocked to the core or even collapse. For example, Forbes last week said that the U.S. boasts ten times more square footage of retail than most other countries. That means there are more places to buy more stuff than anywhere else in the world. At the same time, private practitioners are dwindling and they are struggling to compete with emerging sickcare retailers, sicktech high flyers and cable companies who all want a piece of pie.