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5 years

10 Coping Strategies for Distress Tolerance

Distress is so uncomfortable that people understandably want to make it go away as soon as possible. At the moment of intense emotions, it feels like it may never end. Extreme emotions distort thinking and sometimes people make choices that cause more harm (self-injury, suicide attempt, telling off your boss, ending a relationship, etc…). These choices are an attempt at coping strategies and calming the distress, but ultimately they don’t support recovery. Learning distress tolerance skills to manage emotion in ways that aren’t harmful will help you remain on the path of recovery and mental wellness.

5 years

The Dangers of Alcohol Abuse

There are downsides to regular alcohol use and this article will go into detail about the certain drawbacks and dangers of alcohol abuse: addiction, tolerance to alcohol, alcohol blackouts, and dangerous withdrawal. These consequences can happen at various levels of alcohol intake for different people. Learn more about what to look for with regular drinking.

5 years

What is True? The Evidence Base for Evidence Based

To know that something is true - not to have faith in it, wish for it, hope, or believe it to be true, but to know - perhaps we can agree that you need some kind of evidence. To know something is true with a very high level of confidence, perhaps we can agree further that you need high-caliber, genuinely convincing evidence. Hold that thought while we toss an apple.

5 years

Physician Entrepreneurship: How to Give Good Advice

One way to put a toe in the water of physician entrepreneurship is to become an advisor to a startup founder or client or simply someone who wants your opinion. However, being an advisor that creates value means you have to deliver the 7Ms. You will have to deliver the value that startup CEOs are looking for: money, marketing, making something, management, manpower, mentors, monitoring the environment and mergers and acquisitions.

5 years

Is Your Body in Bankruptcy?

Imagine that your body is like your bank account. It really is a repository of the wonderfulness that is you!

5 years

How to Get Holistic Healthy Results: Diet Free Life

Are you among the many persons out there who wake up feeling uninspired to get ready for the day ahead? 

5 years

Time Management Challenge

Last month, I posted a weekly goal setting challenge. Hopefully if you followed the challenge, you are making positive steps towards the goals that you set for yourself! Whether you completed the goal challenge or not, this week’s time management challenge will dramatically change how you view your schedule and how you spend your time.

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