More in Science

5 years

Sickcare as a Service

What is a business model? There are many types of business models for companies in the business of medicine. In fact, not having a VAST business model is one of the top reasons why your business will fail.

5 years

8 Tips to Improve your Health & Oxygen Intake

You may not have thought about this, but oxygen is in fact our most important nutrient! We can live weeks to months without food, days without water, but only minutes without air! So it’s worth learning more about how to improve the air we breathe!

5 years

Nutrition in Every EHR? If Only We Could

In a blunt, bracing, compelling commentary in the New York Times, the Dean of the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, and a former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture characterize diet accurately as the leading cause of premature mortality in our culture. What should be nourishing us and sustaining us, what should be fuelling our vitality and building the robust bodies of our growing children- is instead killing far too many of us.

5 years

Keto, Balance, and the Weight of the World

A colleague asked me if I thought a recent article in the New York Times on the health effects of the ketogenic diet by Anahad O’Connor was balanced. In a superficial sense, the answer might have been “yes.” Mr. O’Connor considered pros and cons, noted opposing views by relevant experts, cited some salient concerns, and acknowledged the absence of much relevant evidence- notably, longer term effects.

5 years

Detox Tips for a Healthier Body

Don't plan to detox if you are sick. You want to start this detox when your body and organs are healthy so you don't tax your immune system as it's trying to heal you.

5 years

3 Secrets to Dealing with Pressures of Modern Life

Managing your stress will improve your holistic lifestyle.

5 years

Variety and Adventure helps Natural Weight Loss

Try something new and exciting to help you lose weight naturally.