8 Tools a Writer Can’t Do Without in Today’s World

8 Tools a Writer Can’t Do Without in Today’s World

Vartika Kashyap 09/11/2018 5

I have started writing this article with firm belief that you will find it useful and interesting, both. The reason behind this faith is my own experience, efforts, thorough research and all other essential ingredients that I use to prepare perfect recipes of articles.

But, trust me it’s not an easy job to always come up with the stuff that sounds great and binds readers right from the beginning to the end of an article. You need to take care of many things as a writer to create a compelling story.

The question is how to do all this. And, the best and ultimate way I have found is the use of different tools. In this article, you will get to know about the top 8 software available in the market that will help you to improve your writing skills:

1. ProofHub

A popular project management tool, ProofHub comes with powerful features to improve management and collaboration for writers. The software lets you store your ideas and other information in Notes. You can also upload your documents and share them with clients. With everything at one place, you can carry out your work smoothly and as a result increase your productivity.

With its Time tracking feature, ProofHub lets you keep track of every minute spent writing stuff. This eventually helps to increase your writing pace, without compromising on quality.

2. Grammarly

You can be pretty good in grammar, but still there are chances of making grammatical mistakes while writing in flow. That’s where Grammarly helps you. It’s an online proofreading tool using which you can eliminate grammar mistakes, detect plagiarism and do a lot more. All in all, the software ensures whatever you write is readable, error-free and effective.

Grammarly supports different types of documents in it. In addition, each document can be labeled as an article, a blog post, a business document and so on.

3. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

I mentioned in the beginning that heading plays a major role in writing good content. This is why you need to pay special attention to this part of your write-up. As per Peter Koechley, founder of Upworthy, alteration in title of a content can change its viewership by up to 500%. CoSchedule analyzes a headline’s quality and gives scores on its basis. This way, it assists you in writing better titles.

By using the app, you can create a headline with right word balance and character length that would impress your audience even before they read your article.

4. Hemingway

You can use Hemingway to continuously improve your writing skills. A simple text editor, the tool comes with proofreading features. It highlights complex and lengthy sentences as well as common errors in your content. With Hemingway, you will be able to bring changes in your write-up to make it much crisper, clearer and easier to read than before.

When you analyze complexity of a piece of text using the app, it highlights areas that are hard to read. The complex part of the text is shown in ‘Hard to read sentences’, ‘Very hard to read sentences’, ‘Complex words or phrases’, Adverbs and Passive voice.

5. Evernote

An online note taking app, Evernote is helpful in many ways. It not only aids in taking notes, but also sharing them with others. The app works on any device be it your desktop, mobile or tablet. An idea can pop up in your mind at any time. But, you don’t have to worry about storing it safely even when you are not in your office.

With the app in your smartphone, you can save your ideas right away. You can store your ideas/note in formats like web clip of a service/product review, images, audio file, or handwritten notes.

6. Copyscape

An important thing every writer has to keep in mind while writing online is avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarised content has negative effect on your SEO efforts and may ruin your reputation. Copyscape helps you in ensuring originality of your content.

You can use it for free or sign up for its Premium plan for added benefits. Copyscape is considered to be among the most accurate plagiarism checker available online.

7. FocusWriter

A distraction-free writing software, FocusWriter helps to keep you focused on writing. The free and full screen application minimizes the features of any program and puts your words in front. So, there is no clutter and all you can see is the work in progress.

The tool also autosaves your write-up and reloads the last opened files, making it easy for you to continue the work further. The tool also offers an alarm clock that assists writers in managing their time well.

8. Coffitivity

According to a study by the University of Chicago, low ambient noise level can boost your creativity. This is why many people like the ambient noise in a cafe’. If you are searching ways to improve your productivity with such noises, Coffitivity can help you.

The software creates the ambience of a coffee shop to increase your creativity, helping you work in a better way. By using Coffitivity, you can also create ambience of Morning Murmur, Lunchtime Lounge, and University Undertones.

I think creativity is something you are born with. But, you have to work smartly to show your talent to the world. Today, when there is cutthroat competition everywhere, it’s needed to do things differently to stand out of the crowd. Even small changes in your work approach can lead to great results.

And, your decision to bring the above tools into work life would be a big change. Now, you can imagine how fruitful it can ultimately be.  

Author Bio:

Vartika Kashyap is the Marketing Manager at ProofHub and has been one of the LinkedIn Top Voices in 2017. Her articles are inspired by office situations and work-related events. She likes to write about productivity, team building, work culture, leadership, entrepreneurship among others and contributing to a better workplace is what makes her click.

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  • Werner Hettasch

    Thank you so much for sharing all these tools, I might use one of them.

  • Ashleigh Rylance

    Putting into practice now !!!!!

  • Neil Martin

    Knowing these tools really makes a difference. Thank you.

  • Sophie Dellson

    Probably my first comment here on BBN but I'm a HUGE fan of your articles finding them extremely easy to follow.

  • Matthew Calland

    All true and all works well if you really know what you are doing ;)

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Vartika Kashyap

Digital Expert

Vartika is the Chief Marketing Officer at ProofHub. She has 6 Years experience in online digital marketing, brand optimization and SEO along with social media marketing and email marketing strategies. Vartika holds an MBA in Finance (Banking) & Marketing from the IBS Hyderabad.  

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