More in Society

4 years

Stay Human

I had an encounter on my daily morning run a few days ago that stuck with me. So much so I wanted to share.

4 years

How To Bring Bliss and Happiness To Your Job

Happiness is where you can find it, at home, in the office, in a meeting, you name it.

4 years

Scratching an Itch with Blocks

About 2 years ago, shally subhash approached us about starting a coding programme for the children at Jigyasa.

4 years

What is a SERP and Can It Help Your Small Business?

The internet is filled with numerous marketing acronyms. Terms like BR (bounce rates), PPC (pay per click), and SMM (social media marketing) are constantly bandied about as businesses great and small attempt to craft the most effective strategies possible to reach their customers in the online marketplace.

4 years

Minimalism During Quarantine

It seems like a paltry list of achievements, but the amount of time and emotional energy unspent (not saved) has helped me focus on other pursuits.

4 years

What I Learned From Teaching Online for 3 Weeks

On March 10th, we heard that the government had asked all schools to close for a day.

4 years

Who is Entitled Now?

 For much of the last 10 years or so I have heard complaints about how the millennial generation have had a misplaced sense of entitlement in the workplace and in life in general.