US Green Cards and the Path to Permanent Residency

US Green Cards and the Path to Permanent Residency

Felix Yim 29/11/2023
US Green Cards and the Path to Permanent Residency

For many immigrants to the United States, the light at the end of the tunnel is the Green Card, more properly known as the permanent resident card.

The bearer of such a card has the right to live and work anywhere they choose in the United States without a time limit, and more broadly gives the immigrant peace of mind about the often confusing and tumultuous immigration process.

Basic Process to Obtaining a Green Card


While the details can be complicated, the basic process for obtaining a green card can be summarized as follows:

  • Determine which category of green card you are eligible for

  • Have your family member or employee file the required petition on your behalf

  • Wait – first your petition to be accepted, then for a visa number. If your petition is denied, you will be given a reason

  • Attend an interview at a U.S. consulate or embassy

  • Pay the required immigrant fee

  • Receive your green card, either directly or upon arrival if you were originally outside the country

Types of Green Cards


The exact process you will go through when seeking your green card will differ depending on the avenue under which you seek permanent resident status. You may want to consider consulting with an experienced immigration attorney when navigating the complicated green card process. For example, the process you’ll go through if a family member is already a permanent resident will differ than if you’re outside the United States and have been recruited for a job by a U.S. company. In most cases, you will require this family member or company to sponsor or petition for you, submitting paperwork in concert with your own.


Family-based green cards are available to spouses, siblings, parents, and children of individuals who have already obtained their own green cards. Most members of the resident’s family outside of those stated, including grandparents and cousins, are not eligible. 


Employment-based green cards exist under several categories depending on the exact nature of the work you are being hired to do and/or your own personal notoriety. In general, the more highly skilled and in-demand service you provide, the easier it is to receive a green card. Some programs are also more lenient to those who agree to work in underserved or disadvantaged areas for a number of years after admittance. 


Humanitarian-based green cards are for refugees, asylum seekers, human trafficking victims, and victims of other forms of crime or abuse. The exact circumstances that allow holders of the associated visa to apply for permanent residence vary, but in general they require the petitioner, when applicable, to help law enforcement with investigating any associated crime, such as answering questions or testifying in court.


Diversity lottery green cards come from a special program where up to 50,000 people are selected each year to receive a green card. Applicants must come from a country with low historical immigration to the United States. Most applications for lottery green cards are in their home country, but some are already in the U.S. under some other qualifying visa.

There are other, less common applications and categories for green cards as well. A common thread amongst them is that the applicant must, in their time in the United States under whatever qualifying visa they hold, have demonstrated “good moral character,” which is most often interpreted as not being convicted of certain major crimes such as fraud. In most cases they must also have not left the U.S. at any time during their visa stay.

Cost of Obtaining a Green Card


You can expect to spend several thousand dollars while obtaining permanent resident status. Many individual forms will need to be filed throughout the process, often with filing fees of several hundred dollars each. You will also be required, in most cases, to receive qualifying medical examinations or other ancillary services as part of the process, each with their own costs. An average figure to expect is roughly $1500 plus the cost of the medical exam, but these fees may increase due to new legislation.

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Felix Yim

Tech Expert

Felix is the founder of Society of Speed, an automotive journal covering the unique lifestyle of supercar owners. Alongside automotive journalism, Felix recently graduated from university with a finance degree and enjoys helping students and other young founders grow their projects. 

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