5 Benefits of Using 360 Video For Your Next Trade Show Exhibit

5 Benefits of Using 360 Video For Your Next Trade Show Exhibit

Roni Cerga 27/07/2021
5 Benefits of Using 360 Video For Your Next Trade Show Exhibit

360 video applications have a wide variety of uses, and there are new uses being discovered as the technology matures. 

Trade show exhibits are one of the biggest opportunities for this technology to really shine, as it allows brands to create an immersive experience, which can both be used over again and be expanded upon in the future.

1) Cost

From a product showcasing perspective, it allows you to avoid bringing large products or high volumes of products to your exhibit, by filming product demos at your existing facilities where the products are already physically present. This also allows you to either save space at your exhibit or to service more guests at once.

It can also allow your best talent and executives to welcome your guests to their world, and provide their knowledge, without having to be present at every trade show. A series of pre-recorded videos can be filmed in their office or place of business, and within a VR application, the viewer can choose which topic they’d like to learn more about.

360 video is also typically more cost effective than creating CGI based virtual reality experiences, due to the fact that your products and processes can be filmed, without the need to 3D model, animate and create functionality to match your product. It accurately represents the real world and is very effective when dexterous interaction is not necessary.

2) Brand Immersion

A 360 video can be created to feature your existing showrooms in VR, giving you full control of the brand experience. The viewer will be immersed in a space which your team has designed, and solely viewing your content. The interface throughout the entire experience can be branded to your business, and your existing content can also be featured within a 360 VR application. This allows you to get more from your existing product videos and infographics.

Through a combination of visuals and audio, the multi-sensory experience will ensure it’s ingrained in your guest’s memory long after the exhibit is over. They’ll be talking about your immersive experience to friends and colleagues for a long time, which will have a residual effect to help to establish your brand.

3) Software Integration

360 video is amazing on its own, but it also has the added benefit of being capable of integrating with software to make a full virtual reality experience. This integration allows for much more user engagement, for things such as choosing products and subjects, clicking hotspots to trigger other forms of multimedia.

These experiences can also provide valuable analytics. Some interesting analytics that can be pulled from the data include the length of viewing, areas of interest and user path.

Surveys can also be used within the application, in order to collect feedback while the user is fully engaged. It can even be used as a gateway to move into the next section of content. A rating of the experience can be included, to assess the effectiveness of the experience, and email lists can also be generated.

4) Attract Crowds

A VR exhibit will attract the interest of passersby and also generate buzz around the exhibit. When people speak about what they have seen after browsing the show, they’ll be sure to mention where they saw VR experience to other attendees and vendors, whether they already experienced it, or if they’re planning to. This will attract a crowd, which will then, in turn, generate additional interest, as it’s human nature for people to wonder what all the buzz is about when they see a crowded booth.

5) Cutting Edge

When you’re at an industry trade show, it always helps to establish your organization by being on the cutting edge of technology. Having a stereoscopic 360 video application will show that you’re ahead of the curve, and looking for new technology throughout your entire business. These experiences are created through a combination of the newest camera systems, virtual reality hardware and software development technology, bringing these together into one amazing experience.

360 video applications check many of the boxes when planning trade show exhibit material. It is effective in a variety of uses, and can be quite cost-effective in contrast with other options. It will make your company stand out, and ensure your brand gets the recognition it deserves.

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Roni Cerga

VR & AR Expert

Roni is a passionate business leader and innovator in VR & AR. His vision has helped shape world class offerings by utilizing cutting edge cross functional growth strategies. 

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