Why React Native Can Reduce Your Development Costs

Why React Native Can Reduce Your Development Costs

Why React Native Can Reduce Your Development Costs

Choosing the right technology for your growing business is a genuinely vital task. A well-chosen tech stack is usually a path to success.

A badly chosen one can lead to problems with app performance and, more importantly, maintenance. In this post, we want to look at a technology that, in our opinion, is optimal for modern mobile and web apps. This technology is React Native: it solves the majority of the challenges that concern clients in the app development market. 

Let's look at the core challenges and the way React Native solves them. Firstly, mobile and web developers face the problem of performance. Both web and mobile markets are dealing with an extremely diverse number of devices. Some are elite and can handle even the most complex apps. Some are low-budget and need good optimization to work well. In this light, a lack of optimization can easily lose you a significant portion of the market. This means that the developers should look for languages and libraries that maximize performance levels. 


React Native app development is notable for its focus on performance optimization, solving the presented problem once and for all. How does React Native achieve this? The presented library does this through its focus on two important solutions. On the one hand, it uses a highly efficient web-based scripting language, JavaScript, as its basis. It's highly optimized for working on a large set of devices, maximizing performance on single-core machines. This approach allows React Native to work well enough on almost every device that has appeared in the last 10 years. It uses the optimization technologies created by one of the largest development communities in the world. 

On the other hand, React Native is also notable for using a unique syntax that works well across web and mobile platforms (the web requires an installation of a compatibility layer). Indeed, platforms like Kotlin or Swift may be more optimized for particular platforms. However, few solutions offer such a strong cross-platform system as React Native. You'll have to redevelop your app from scratch with other platforms. With React Native, almost everything works across the majority of the platforms from the onset. 

Secondly, a major problem faced by the developers is the fragmentation of the app development market these days. In this regard, one has to create separate solutions for the web and two major mobile platforms, iOS and Android. The web focuses on JavaScript. In turn, iOS and Android use Swift and Kotlin, respectively. As a result, many developers have to limit their apps to only one platform. The web is usually preferable because it can theoretically work everywhere: however, this solution is typically unoptimized for Android and iOS. 

React Native completely solves this problem for the majority of developers. As we've mentioned before, React Native is well-optimized for working across the web and all mobile platforms. This is great not only from the standpoint of performance. React Native also greatly simplifies the overall development process. It uses a unified syntax for all available mobile platforms. Consequently, you can write code in a combination of JavaScript and React Native code, and it will work across multiple platforms. React Native uses a platform-agnostic approach to inserting various interface elements. Therefore, one line of code can invoke both iOS and Android interface parts. You can code your app once, and it'll have a native-like look and feel across multiple platforms. In short, there's no longer any need to invest in several development teams for separate versions of a certain program. Instead, you can, more or less, do everything with just one group of developers. 

Thirdly, a big problem of app development in general is the need to recompile code after certain changes. This isn't a problem for small-scale apps, since their compilation time is relatively low. However, it's a definite issue for apps that involve something more complex. Often, they can require up to an hour to recompile various changes. Why is this a problem? Imagine that you need to make minor changes to the structure of your app. For example, you may want to reposition some buttons in the interface. Recompilation can make this simple task very difficult and require you to spend an entire day on it. React Native is notable as a solution to this problem. It allows one to update interfaces without recompiling them. 

This feature is called hot reloading. You can add this or that element to the interface and then see the changes in your app immediately. This is a perfect approach for optimizing the interfaces of various apps. You can focus on the most minute details during this process. Hence, the majority of the developers like to work with React Native. It greatly decreases development efforts for the majority of them. 

As you can see, all those advantages ultimately allow React Native to greatly reduce your development costs. An ability to develop with just one team is a perfect way to minimize investments in a project. Great optimization also reduces the need to invest in the workforce. Lastly, hot reloading features offer you a major advantage by allowing you to configure state-of-the-art interfaces for the users. React Native was developed by Meta to simplify the development of Facebook and Instagram. Thus, it uses the most powerful technologies available on the market to deliver top performance. 

The only cheaper technology for web and mobile development on the market comes in the form of no-code development. However, it has major downsides due to limited configuration. Consequently, if you want a sufficiently flexible app, React Native is a perfect solution. It's especially great because it relies on JavaScript. This is one of the most popular scripting languages in the world: finding specialists for it is very simple. What are our recommendations in this regard? The best way to hire such specialists is to look for dedicated development companies. An example of a strong company in this market is Keenethics. It fits the key criteria of finding a good development partner: the company has expertise in the relevant tech stack and possesses major long-term development experience.

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Anas Bouargane

Business Expert

Anas is the founder of CEF Académie, a platform that provides guidance and support for those willing to study in France. He previously interned at Unissey. Anas holds a bachelor degree in economics, finance and management from the University of Toulon.

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