Robert Nozick: Utility Monsters and Experience Machines

One of the classic problems of economics involves how to make comparisons between the welfare of different people. As a common example, imagine taxing a high-income person and redistributing the money to a low-income person. In the utilitarian framework beloved of economists, a high-income person would receive less "utility" or happiness from that additional income than a low-income person would gain from receiving a transfer. Thus, it is argued, redistribution from high-income to low-income will increase the overall happiness or utility of society.

How Cloud Technology is Enhancing Small Business Accounting

How Cloud Technology is Enhancing Small Business Accounting

While modern accounting software is undoubtedly leagues ahead of traditional pen-and-paper solutions of the past, it’s not without its drawbacks. Offline accounting software lacks security and is prone to data redundancy. Changes made on one device usually don’t reflect on another, resulting in a lot of additional admin work.


Look After Yourself !

The other day I had coffee with a lady who once made the near mistake of applying to work with me. Fortunately for her, there were no openings at the time. Instead, I tried to give some career advice which may or may not have contributed to her current success.

Four Things to Enhance Your Website’s Appearance

Four Things to Enhance Your Website’s Appearance

 Want to know how to make an appealing website? Find out how in this guide. 


3 Secrets to Dealing with Pressures of Modern Life

Managing your stress will improve your holistic lifestyle.

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