Big Data for the Changing Needs of the Healthcare Industry

Big data is revolutionizing the way we that handle data through every sector. After having made remarkable improvements in astronomy, retail sales, and search engines, big data is now transforming healthcare. The volume of data involved in healthcare studies and analysis makes it a perfect use-case for big data technology.


Inspirations From Nature

The following striking words will make you think of the infinite power of enjoying nature to the fullest. These verses are dedicated to the human spirit of perseverance in spite of the odds!


9 Things You Can Learn From A Dog That Will Help Your Career

This is Baxter. He is my dog. And like most canines I reckon that he can teach us a few things which can help us boost our careers. You don't believe me? Then read on...


Kill and Beat Procrastination and Delay, Hit your Deadlines Consistently

Frightened of missing deadlines? Your plan is in shreds. Your entrepreneur’s reputation is at risk?


Ponni Sugars (Erode) Ltd. - Case Study on Value Investing

Avoiding where others go wrong is an important step in achieving investment success. In fact, it almost ensures it. Every once in a while, we tend to hear that either a friend or family member lost X amount of money. It pains us to hear such disastrous investment results, especially when it comes to unsophisticated and undisciplined investors. Thus, if we could convince more people to adopt proven successful investment strategies, it will definitely help to preserve and maintain their hard-earned capital.

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