How Cities are Dealing with Extreme Energy Issues

For decades, the world of energy has developed around fairly stable chains of actors within which the roles were clear and well distributed. In recent years, cities and local authorities have tried to invite themselves among the historical actors.


10 Super Rare Traits That Prove You Are Meant to Lead People

A quick search for the word “leadership” gives you about 100+ ways to ignite the leader within you. Some suggest that showing empathy towards your team will make you a leader and, for some, holding a dominant position in the group is what it takes to be a leader. With endless possibilities and prospects, the question of the day is – Is there a simplified definition of what you should do to be a leader?


5 Reasons why Agencies Lose Clients

An agency is a business or an organization that specializes in offering certain services to their clients i.e. other businesses/organizations.


These 3 Technologies will Disrupt the Construction Industry Altogether

Present-day technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), and the internet of things (IoT) have successfully proven themselves in revolutionizing the construction industry, right from planning infrastructure to surveying risk management to monitoring the architecture during the creation process.


Everything You Need to know about Juul

In this last year, people have started to reach out to me for help quitting Juul. I’ve been asked “Do you know how to treat Juul addiction?” as if it is some fancy and obscure entity rather than simply one of many electronic nicotine delivery systems. Even if people don’t quite understand what is Juul they know they are having a terrible time trying to stop using it. Juul’s ability to cause nicotine addiction isn’t special or is it? Let’s talk about what you need to know about Juul.

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