10 Key Factors to Ensure Crowdfunding Success

Crowdfunding Campaign started as a means for start-ups to raise funds back in 2008. It is an alternative to venture capitalist investment. SME can now adopt the same model for raising of equity through share allocation or other ownership arrangement. You need the crowd to be effective in raising funds. Crowdfunding Campaign is more of an art than a science. It is about getting the right people involved at the right time. So what are the key success factors for a typical crowdfunding campaign?


China is in Debt & What This Means for Cryptocurrencies

It’s a rib repeated regularly on the late night talk show circuit — how China essentially owns the United States because of how much the U.S. owes the Chinese. The only problem with this joke is that it’s stale — not because it’s no longer funny (it may still be) — but because the Chinese are just as much in hock to the hilt as the United States is.


How to Be a Leader Worth Following

All professionals want to have a career of significance and fulfillment. One that makes them excited to get out of bed in the morning. One that they actually want to spend an estimated 92,000 hours of their lifetime doing. Unfortunately, very few ever reach this work “nirvana” because of fear, complacency, and lack of focus. At the same time, they are working hard towards the wrong goals, such as money, power or fame.


Journey On Until You Meet Yourself

Journey on until you meet yourself


Why Company Culture Should Top the List of Priorities at Every Startup Stage

Organizational culture is such an oft repeated buzzword in corporate circles that it has become one of those overused stereotypes that lose the superlative weight they carry with every casual mention. However, culture is the only one thing that manages to keep me tossing and turning upon at every stage of my startup journey.

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