Branding: How to Handle Negative Comments on Social Media

How Successful Brands Handle Negative Comments on Social Media

Handling negative feedback can elevate your brand and show customers that you really care about them.

How Artificial Intelligence Can Solve the Competency Mapping Gap in Recruitment

How Artificial Intelligence Can Solve the Competency Mapping Gap in The Recruitment Sector

Organizations often face a competency gap due to their inabilities to test candidates for soft skills and secondary hard skills during the recruitment process.

7 Common Digital Marketing Myths Busted

7 Common Digital Marketing Myths Busted

Digital marketing has become increasingly popular in the online world, but there are many misconceptions that businesses are unaware of. 

Science of Learning: How Has Conformity Become the Norm in Education, and What Methods are used to Foster Absolute Conformity?

Science of Learning: How Has Conformity Become the Norm in Education, and What Methods are used to Foster Absolute Conformity?

It is generally well accepted that education today owes its roots, at least in part, to Prussian military developments in the C17/C18 and the efficiency gains developed in manufacturing during the industrial revolution.

6 Applications of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Real Estate

7 Applications of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Real Estate

The advent of immersive technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality has revolutionized several industry sectors and real estate is no exception.

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