The Carried Interest Loophole

The Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, has delivered some incoherent messages about tax reform. It appears he has not yet understood that tax policy will be driven by the President working with his new Democratic friends Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. One of the tax beasts to be slain is carried interest, the pernicious mechanism by which $20bn of wealth annually is delivered to the 1% with careless regard for the suffering of the middle class. President Trump has promised to fix this. In this, he is not alone. Carried interest has been in the crosshairs for over ten years. Even the 1% broadly agree that it is without merit. But why is it still around?


Should the Ripple be purchased now?

Bitcoin’s share of the crypto universe has dwindled from 93% in 2013 to 47% this year, as many new crypto-currencies have entered the market. 


Analysing the Indian Steel Sector

Amid the disappointing performance of the index of core industries (ICI) in July 2017, at 2.4% year on year growth, the steel industry stands out with an outlier growth of 9.2%. In fact, steel has shown a robust growth of 10.9% on average in the past 12 months, which is far higher than average ICI growth of 3.6%.

  • 19/09/2017
  • 5

Crowd Labelling

In the 21st Century, the Data Science community commonly cited the three main ingredients for developing a good machine learning model: 1. Good quality data, preferably labelled 2. High Power Computing  3. Efficient, Precise and Accurate Algorithms

 The Brexit Dilemma

The Brexit Dilemma

The U.K. left the Exchange Rate Mechanism twenty-five years ago. In fact, it was twenty-five years ago to the day on Saturday just gone. September 16th, 1992, a day that should have split the U.K. Conservative party in two and would have done had it had a decisive leader.

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