How to Deal with Internet Trolls

There’s no exact science for dealing with people who comment just knowing that you are somewhere squirming in your chair as you read it. But there is a need to discuss this topic because when we are on the web we are all susceptible to the sway of these bullies. 

  • 09/10/2017
  • 16

Master Social Media Engagement

Social media is all the buzz media. Facebook has 2 billion monthly active users, and generates significant revenue from people browsing and interacting with content in a vertically scrollable list. A feed, so to speak, of posts and information. Realistically, Facebook is only the leader in this race, but there are many more participants.


"Experts" From Afar (EFA)

A coworker of mine used this acronym (EFA - Experts From Afar) to describe a situation, where a decision was made and was being carried out without the input of anyone affected by the decision being consulted.

  • 08/10/2017
  • 6

Stories - Chapter 10

I first picked up a brush at an arts school in Moscow when I was 10 and in a few months, I won some competition. 17 years passed until the day I felt I must paint again. In the meantime I started working in the arts and moved from Russia to the UK to do my master's degree.


Blockchain, Trust & Verification

In my previous article, I explained the mechanics of the Blockchain and how blocks are linked into an immutable chain with clever crypto functions. These blocks contain many transactions which are supposed to be anonymous. But what do you need to do to prove these transactions are yours without revealing your identity?

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