4 Important Things You Should Know About Material Requirements Planning

4 Important Things You Should Know About Material Requirements Planning

Daniel Hall 20/03/2021 11
4 Important Things You Should Know About Material Requirements Planning

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the significance of planning for businesses has been pretty evident.

4 Important Things You Should Know About Material Requirements Planning

It is a well-known ethos that in absence of proper planning, it is very tough for an organization to achieve success. This is exactly what led to the development and enhancement of planning systems. When we talk about manufacturing businesses specifically, we have an advanced way of planning called material requirements planning. 

Material requirement planning, popularly abbreviated as MRP is an inclusive planning process that takes into account production processes, inventory control system, management of manufacturing system, and scheduling. Before the advent of material requirement planning, methods such as reorder point (ROP), reorder quantity (ROQ), and economic order quantity (EOQ) would be used. Such methods would be down manually without the use of any computing devices.


In recent times, MRP is mostly a software-based program that can manage inventory and production process details automatically. Companies use the MRP software solution to majorly anticipate the requirement for inventory of finished products and raw materials and schedule the deliveries. The MRP answers three important questions for the business: What products are needed? How much of them are needed? When is it needed? Let us now see what are the things that we must keep in mind about MRP:

1. MRP Allows You To Build Better Strategies

The advanced MRP systems give you a report of your performance in terms of inventory management and manufacturing processes, etc. You can use this data to form better company strategies in the future. For example, if one of your raw materials is getting wasted, MRP will inform you about that and you can accordingly alter your future decisions to avoid wastage. 

2. MRP Helps In Decreasing Inventory

MRP is rather helpful in bringing the inventory costs down by estimating in advance the requirements of raw material and demand for finished products. The advanced MRP software keeps an eye on the outflow and inflow of inventory and integrates the flow with the demand in the market. As a consequence, overlapping in inventory is reduced and so are the costs. 

3. Maintains Product Quality

The MRP tells you what products your business needs and when they need to be sourced. This way, businesses save a lot of time and know exactly how many pieces of certain items they need to produce. This way nothing gets wasted and products remain in the same quality as they were produced. This is especially important in the case of food products. 

4. MRP Improves Efficiency

When you have the correct estimation of your material requirements and details of delivery schedules, you do not need anyone to do these important inventories and manufacturing-related tasks for you. This practice saves both a lot of time and money for you - and you can focus on the core activities of your business. 


MRP is undoubtedly a system that every manufacturing company can use. Since MRP can be customized, you must understand your requirements - and get an MRP launched that fits your organization the best. 

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  • Lee Stephen

    MRP give can companies some level of certainty that key goals can be largely achieved.

  • Karl Rees

    There are good reasons to question the old way of doing things.

  • Victoria Hansler

    It's becoming something increasingly demanded in the market

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Daniel Hall

Business Expert

Daniel Hall is an experienced digital marketer, author and world traveller. He spends a lot of his free time flipping through books and learning about a plethora of topics.

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