More in Companies

6 years

Social Media for Small Businesses

The journey of a small business towards fame and success is painful due to the various challenges that are encountered on a daily basis. Social media marketing has emerged as an ultimate weapon making things easier and accessible for small business owners.

6 years

The Innovation Conundrum

If you want to stop your organisation from trying to develop significant new products or services then here are seven solid arguments you can rely on.

6 years

The Books Business Leaders Read

I love to read. Because I love to learn. Not only do I read in order to make me better as a coach, but to know more about the world. Which I suppose impacts on the way I think and act in business too.

6 years

How to Monetize LinkedIn

When I jumped into entrepreneurship full-time I had no idea what I was doing and it hit me hard: my first virtual reality startup failed within months, my girlfriend left me, my car was totaled, I burned through all of my funds, my agency struggled, and I racked up a ton of debt. I got to the point where I had -$900 in my bank account, rent due at the end of the week, and no income. And while I survived, my life royally sucked. That was pre-LinkedIn.

6 years
6 years

The Value of Humanising Organisations

Business as usual is no longer an option. A narrow focus on maximizing short-term financial returns has led directly to corporate scandals, environmental disasters from climate change to plastic waste in the oceans, low employee morale, distrust in institutions and the Great Financial Crash of 2007-2008. Yet amid this succession of crises, a more optimistic picture is emerging, supported by a growing body of evidence that makes an economic, as well as a moral, case for a different approach to business.

6 years

How to Master the 4 Simple Habits of All Great Leaders

Have you ever wondered what separates the good leaders from the great? It's not raw, natural talent or innate skill. No, it's something more impactful and difficult to master.