Organisational IQ: How To Boost Your Business Intelligence

Organisational IQ: How To Boost Your Business Intelligence

Anas Bouargane 21/01/2020 4

A smart company is a successful one. Every entrepreneur needs to focus on organisational IQ, but you might realise you are doing it until you take a step back.

Whether it’s channelling funds to essential areas of the business or trying to cut costs, there are numerous ways to boost your intelligence past the above-average stage.

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Like everything in the industry, though, it’s not enough to rest on your laurels. Being creative and crafting innovative methods for improving organisational intelligence is imperative, even if you’re unsure where to start.

The great news is that this article has got you covered. Here’s how to make your company smarter.

Switch Up Your Management Style

The life of a boss isn’t straightforward. With so much on your plate, it’s easy to let stress get the better of you, which means your emotions rear their head quite often. For you, it’s a way to vent; for employees, it’s a sign that you’re angry. And, nobody likes to be shouted at regularly. Unfortunately, the fear of a telling off makes workers less likely to craft and share original ideas that will push the business forward. Therefore, your processes will stagnate because the environment is toxic. In this situation, you need to change your management style so that people understand your door is always open. Then, not only will they not be fearful, but you’ll encourage them to be creative.

Offer Quality Incentives

You shouldn’t create a culture based on indulgent rewards, or that’s what people say. However, the right perks will ensure your company stands out from the crowd because of its balance between work and life. Regarding the top bracket of employees, they require lifestyle incentives as much as a competitive wage. So, private health insurance policies and commercial vehicle finance might be the difference between attracting the best workers and watching them choose your rivals. If they’re not in your office, then your ability to be better reduces significantly.

Hire Women

Gender equality means that, finally, women are starting to get the opportunities they deserve. From an organisational IQ standpoint, you should wonder why you didn’t employ them earlier. The reason is simple: women collaborate and connect more effectively than anyone else. As a result, your ability to create an atmosphere where workers can take risks and fail will improve. Traits synonymous with females means that they can better express themselves and understand others, making teamwork more efficient.

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Lean On Influencers

To reach new audiences, your company has to find ways to relate to different audiences. Businesses with a high organisational IQ can do it and extend their reach to new markets to boost their profits. Smarter organisations lean on nano influencers. Nano influencers allow you to leverage their base to your advantage by offering a readymade market via their social media accounts. They might have nothing to do with your industry, yet it’s incredible how a single recommendation can improve companies’ bottom lines.

Sometimes, the smartest move is to defer to people who are more knowledgeable and experienced.

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  • Richard Nickels

    I prefer to work with influencers, they know how to market any product.

  • Amy Campling

    Thanks for the tips

  • Robert Young

    Well done Anas! Thanks for putting this together

  • Callum Johnston

    Great topic !

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Anas Bouargane

Business Expert

Anas is the founder of CEF Académie, a platform that provides guidance and support for those willing to study in France. He previously interned at Unissey. Anas holds a bachelor degree in economics, finance and management from the University of Toulon.

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