What Startup Companies Need to Know About Public Relations

What Startup Companies Need to Know About Public Relations

Anas Bouargane 11/12/2020 1
What Startup Companies Need to Know About Public Relations

When you are a startup, you may feel the need to be a jack of all trade.

It mainly comes from the inability to have a substantial amount of capital to integrate different professionals. Perhaps it could be the idea that you first rake in profit before spending a ton on money hiring additional personnel.



Nevertheless, one thing remains certain; public relations is one entire department in your business that needs deliberate and constant attention to make a significant overhaul. If you were holding back on actively pursuing PR for your company, it is time to rethink your decision, thanks to the outline below.

Public Relations is Not Advertisement 

A common myth that you might hold as a startup is that advertising and public relations have the same meaning. Ideally, they have an almost similar objective but operate on different wavelengths. For instance, you can pay someone to use your product and recommend it to someone with advertising and sales. In some other cases, you may also engage with media outlets to air your products and services to trigger more sales. 

On the other hand, public relations hopes to build a brand and maximize, making it known as the go-to for all the consumer needs in that line of business. For instance, think of an instance where you give a social media influencer a sample of your product for an honest review.

Go Slow at First

When your startup, you may have the insatiable urge to get things started quickly and increase sales. On the other hand, it is essential to remember one significant aspect. You can't recommend growth to something consumers don't know. Let the market first identify who you are and what you offer before prioritizing building your brand.

It Builds Your Brand

One of the tremendous benefits of PR for your business is building your brand. It lets consumers know why they should choose you over others. It gives you a unique identity that they can relate to you and not another seller.

In House over Professional Agency

As a startup, you may have one significant fear holding you back. It reflects on the idea that you have meager capital, and you should hold on to it before realizing sales, and consequently, profit. With such a thought, you may decide to have an in-house public relations strategy instead of hiring professionals. 

However, remember one crucial aspect – they have the expertise and experience in pulling the right strings and making the campaign's straight shots. You don't. As the review on London based PR firm highlights, the goal is to create a long-lasting movement with a permanent imprint on the consumers' minds. Ideally, to create something that is not easy to forget.

That is how powerful a good PR campaign generates. On the other hand, you may feel you will save money without hiring professional help, but you may go about it wrongly. Perhaps, an experimental tactic on trial and error to find out what works for you or doesn't. In the end, you waste time and resources, which you would have channeled into creating something memorable for your brand.

Maximize on Relationships 

Another aspect to consider in engaging public relations tactics is that relationships will boost your business brand more than anything else. It is not a typical pay and market scenario as you would have with advertising. It's about building meaningful and long-lasting relationships with your market.

It also reflects in getting the right target audience for your business. Here's where a professional agency comes in handy to provide the expertise in meeting the proper channels.

Be Unique to Media Outlets


Another crucial factor you need to embrace in your PR campaign is the right media. It is an essential aspect, especially in the modern world. Plus, it's not merely saying you will take your brand to the press, but also finding the right media outlet to propel your campaign depending on what your business offers. 

Ideally, going among the multitude echoing what they offer without offering something extra will not get you noticed. Instead, people may ignore it as nothing is appealing and intriguing in your brand.

Lastly, to recognize the intense benefits of a PR campaign, it is advisable to remain consistent throughout the process. It beats logic to engage actively with consumers for a month and then goes under for another month before resurfacing. Be constant. Let people get to know you, who you are, what you offer, and why you are the go-to business in your field. 

Create a lasting image of how you want people to remember you always. You will gradually build trust, which goes a long way in having a long time, reliable, and relatable relationships with different parties across the chain, especially the consumers.

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  • Ian Wilson

    Thanks for the info

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Anas Bouargane

Business Expert

Anas is the founder of CEF Académie, a platform that provides guidance and support for those willing to study in France. He previously interned at Unissey. Anas holds a bachelor degree in economics, finance and management from the University of Toulon.

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