The Importance of Blogging for Small Businesses

The Importance of Blogging for Small Businesses

Anuja Lath 28/03/2018 7

Blogging as a business is growing exponentially! It is the perfect opportunity for a small business to establish itself and be rewarded with the many perks of blogging and content marketing.

Have you tried initiating blogging services for your small business? If the answer is no, we recommend checking out brands that experienced success and greater revenue because of blogging. It is indeed a very effective method to attract viewers to your SME website. Blogging is by far the best technique a small business can easily adopt for greater success and growth.

Every time your business shares a blog, you create opportunities for the online readers to consume abundant information, which either eases out their problems or provides them with useful tips from which they could benefit. Small businesses that blog consistently have better chances of being seen and remembered online.

There are billions of blog posts online, however not all of them get the same response. This is because a great response depends on the topic of discussion, keywords used, originality and uniqueness of content. If you successfully create and publish relevant, interesting, unique and original content, your blog is bound to receive a great response.

Here are the benefits of blogging for a business:

Connect Better with the Audience

Audiences connect well with businesses that manage to solve their problems or address their pain points. Posting informative and useful content, eases out a reader’s problem & lets the readers know about your caliber and intentions. You can directly attract readers who would comment on your blogs, thus, boosting interaction and engagement. Bloggers usually start off a blog with asking a specific question about the blog topic that initiates the readers to interact & comment on the blog.

Better Search Engine Rankings

Is your business into blogging? Where does your business rank on Google’s SERP when searched for using a relevant keyword? Whether you rank for certain keywords reflects your efficiency.

Websites that update freshly brewed content on a regular basis manage to stay in the good books of search engines. This helps small businesses rank better on the Google.

From an optimization perspective, a website that is uploading regular blogs is bound to have better search engine rankings. A small business needs to focus on creating and publishing excellent keyword based content so that your SME website is visible online when searched with a relevant keyword.

Being an SME, one would look at the budget wisely. Even though blogging does not require huge capital investment, it does require time and effort.

Brand Value

Blogging is an easy way a small business can build its credibility and presence in the online world. The visitors coming to your website can know about your business & the kind of services/products that you offer.

With so many businesses in the league, the competition is too tough, which makes it very difficult for small businesses to make a mark in the online world. Blogging about trending topics helps boost brand value.

Attract Visitors

On a daily basis, huge amounts of new data is created on internet, some of which is in the form of blogs. With so many online viewers searching the web, a blog becomes the best way to attract visitors to your business website. Implement blogging for your SME website and see the traffic graph soaring when you blog about trending topics.

Business blogs that share informative statistics or give useful tips are more likely to be a favorite of the visitors. This will attract them to keep coming back to your website off and on.

Lead Generation & Conversion

Blogs attract prospective clients and customers who are on a constant lookout for businesses that can ease out their problems. By sharing information and useful tips, you are attracting visitors who may convert. This is because you offer something that can address a problem that they may be facing. This improves the conversion rate and generates more leads.

Better Social Media Presence

SME often struggle to establish a strong presence on social media. Using blogging as a tool to establish your business or brand on social media is one of the smartest decisions your business can make. A great way of engaging with your audience is to ask them about they kind of content the like. This way, you’ll be giving them exactly what they want. This can also be done on Twitter polls, where users definitely will want to share their opinion.

Similarly on Facebook, G+, your small business can join groups or communities, and they are perfectly suited platforms to let the world know about your business.

Readers never miss an opportunity to let their social circle know about an informative content. This creates opportunities for sharing online. The more you share your content online, the better it is for your online visibility.

Showcase your Area of Expertise

According to statistics, almost 50% of online viewers refer to blogs for information before making a purchase. This looks like a perfect opportunity for SMEs!

Small businesses who are still struggling to make a strong foothold in the market should use blogging to talk about their business and the services/products that they offer. Once you start creating and publishing content that discusses a certain topic, you start to establish yourself or your brand as a credible source of information for that topic. It is a way to establish expertise and authority in the online world. For example, when Neil Patel publishes content on topics like SEO and keywords, we know that this information is extremely credible. This is because he has taken the time and effort to establish himself as an expert through content marketing.

Attract Potential Clients

An SME is always willing to acquire new clients and blogging not only facilitates it but also makes it easier to acquire new clients.

Your future prospective clients are also on the lookout to get a business that could manage their business. Blogging establishes your area of expertise and lets your clients get in touch with you after consuming information about your products or services.    

Explore various ideas to boost blogging for your business. Whatever your business is dealing with, blogging is a marvelous way to increase relevant traffic to your website and generate new leads. This is the reason why many businesses are looking for a way out to master the skill of blogging to make money online.

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  • Andrew Gareffield

    It is vital for small businesses to develop an emphasised web presence. Blogging is a good idea to provide exposure.

  • James Atkinson

    Effective way to build brand awareness

  • Chris Simpson

    Blogging mostly attracts more perspective customers.

  • Laura Kenny

    Blogging is a good way to build trust with your target audience through high quality content that they find relevant.

  • Adam McKay

    Great post. Blogging will give others a lucid sense of the corporate standards, business character, vision and the personality of your company.

  • Matt Davis

    One of the most powerful benefits of blogging is the opportunity it creates for others to share the link to your blog, creating the potential for viral traffic and exponential market growth.

  • Ryan Kerr

    Excellent !! When it comes to small businesses, blogging is virtually a must.

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Anuja Lath

Digital Marketing Expert

Anuja is the Co-founder and CEO of RedAlkemi Online Pvt. Ltd., a digital marketing agency helping clients with their end to end online presence. Anuja has 30 years of work experience as a successful entrepreneur and has co-founded several ventures since 1986. She and her team are passionate about helping SMEs achieve measurable online success for their business. Anuja holds a Bachelors degree in Advertising from the Government College of Fine Arts, Chandigarh, India.


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