Why Right Now Is the Best Time to Show and Grow Your Leadership

Why Right Now Is the Best Time to Show and Grow Your Leadership

John Eades 15/11/2023
Why Right Now Is the Best Time to Show and Grow Your Leadership

The ongoing digital transformation across industries offers a fertile ground for showcasing leadership.

Leaders that can thrive and lead in the digital realm demonstrate an acute understanding of the evolving business landscape.

As I dialed in, I couldn’t help but think we should reschedule the call.

Not only was I having a problem thinking about anything other than the coronavirus pandemic, but also talking about developing leadership skills during this time seemed insignificant. To my surprise, Susan had a completely different outlook and perspective.

“John, I know there is a lot going on right now, but I am so excited to be here. I have never proactively taken the opportunity to develop my leadership skills. Now it seems like a requirement to handle the current climate.”

While her words didn’t evaporate all of the challenges ahead, they ignited my mindset and reminded me: 

When times are uncertain is when leadership is needed most.  

Susan’s commitment to the development of her leadership skills during this time is crucial because the current environment is where her skills need to shine.  

For example, most stockbrokers can grow money in a market that’s good, but the ones who make the difference can limit the damage in a downturn. The ones that limit damage are those who continue to develop their knowledge and skills on an on-going basis. Leadership is no different. It’s easy to lead during the great times, but the best leaders (the ones who continuously invest in their skills) shine during times of uncertainty and adversity.  

7 Reasons Why Right Now Is the Best Time to Show and Grow Your Leadership 

4 Leadership Trends To Know In 2023

The current era presents a unique and favorable environment for individuals to showcase and cultivate their leadership skills.

1. Strong Leadership is the Backbone of Digital Transformation

The ongoing digital transformation across industries offers a fertile ground for showcasing leadership. Those who can navigate and lead in the digital realm demonstrate an acute understanding of the evolving business landscape.

2. Hybrid Work is Facilitating Work Life Balance

The prevalence of remote work has necessitated adaptive and innovative leadership. Those who can effectively lead remote teams, foster collaboration, and maintain productivity are in high demand. Now is the time to demonstrate these skills.

3. Emphasis on Emotional Intelligence

Leadership today goes beyond traditional management. Emotional intelligence is gaining recognition as a crucial leadership trait. The ability to connect with and understand team members on a deeper level is now more valued than ever.

4. Heightened Focus on Diversity and Inclusion

Organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion. Leaders who actively promote these values not only contribute to a positive workplace culture but also align with the broader societal expectations.

5. Global Challenges Require Strong Leadership

The world faces various challenges, from public health crises to climate change. Leaders who can address these issues with empathy, resilience, and strategic vision are essential. Now is the time for individuals to step up and make a positive impact.

6. More Learning and Development Opportunities

Organizations are investing heavily in learning and development programs. Individuals who proactively seek opportunities to enhance their leadership skills, whether through training programs or mentorship, position themselves as continuous learners and leaders.

7. Awareness & Recognition of Authentic Leadership

Authenticity is gaining prominence in leadership. People are drawn to leaders who are genuine, transparent, and true to their values. Showing authenticity is not only good for personal growth but also for building trust within teams.

8. Entrepreneurial Spirit is Valued

Whether within established companies or startups, an entrepreneurial mindset is increasingly valued in leaders. Those who can think creatively, take calculated risks, and drive innovation are well-positioned for success.

Show Your Skills


Websters defines a skill as the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance. While so many professionals care about their technical skills in the workplace (and they should), it’s the leadership skills that are essential in uncertain times.  

The best measure of your current leadership skills is how you lead during the time of need. Ask yourself, “How am I helping my people handle and reject fear right now?”   

People fear what they don’t know, understand, or are frightened by. Fear is the emotion of the mind – because the six inches between our ears paints a picture of all that could go wrong and all of the different scenarios that might happen. The keyword here is “might,” its the story we begin to tell ourselves to keep us safe and comfortable. Here is where fear gets complicated. It not only infiltrates your mind, but it seeps down to each person on your team, often in different ways and with different intensity levels.  

Your leadership skills require you to communicate with your team how to best handle their current fears, and how to reject them in order to create the best possible outcome for everyone involved. I highlighted some strategies for leading others in uncertain times here. 

Use This Time to Grow

In 1665, Cambridge University closed because of the Bubonic Plague. During that time, Isaac Newton developed calculus AND formulated the notion of gravity as a universal force.  

Newton didn’t settle into fear and do nothing. Imagine what you could do! When business slows down, an opportunity arises to put your focus on things outside of your typical responsibilities. Take advantage of this time to develop your skills and the skills of your people. 

I have written a lot and often speak about Growth20, which is committing to 20 minutes a day to grow your mind and skills. During a slow down, you might increase it to a Growth60. Instead of binge-watching a Netflix show, read a book, join the Ultimate Leadership (Virtual) Academy, subscribe to Masterclass, dust off a project you’ve abandoned, or help team members develop their skills. The options are endless.


While there is no doubt the current environment isn’t as good as a month ago, you get the opportunity to have the mindset of Susan. Are you going to show and grow your leadership skills during this time or are you going to miss the opportunity?

What are the ways in which you have shown your leadership skills in the last few days? How are you going to grow your leadership skills in the hybrid era?

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John Eades

Leadership Expert

John is the CEO of LearnLoft, author of, F.M.L. Standing Out & Being a Leader and host of the 'Follow My Lead' Podcast. He writes or has been featured on Inc.com, LinkedIn Pulse, TrainingIndustry.com, eLearningIndustry.com, CNBC Money, and more. John completed his education at the University of Maryland College. 

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