Admissions Side Door: Money Badly Spent

So, folks have always wanted to get the real scoop on how students get into (or do not get into) elite colleges. Part of that story has been revealed recently through the Harvard litigation surrounding how students (particularly minority students) are selected. And now we have the admissions fraud of all frauds: payoffs to folks inside institutions to get students into elite colleges/universities as well as designated test takers. And, one of the key pathways is the oddest of all: payoffs to coaches to bring in non-athletes --- that is not a typo. (Don't ask me about the NCAA in all this please.)


The IMF’s Answer to A Global Cryptocurrency

As Thomas Harding stood in the sweltering 100-degree heat beating down on his exposed forehead in downtown Phnom Penh, he started to regret not having brought his hat from the hotel, which was now a good 30-minute drive away.


What the Best Leaders Do to Succeed

The new era we’ve entered feels hungry for improved leadership. Maybe it’s because we’ve had a nice nine-year run of economic growth that’s hidden our real business problems, and they are just starting to surface. Maybe it’s because more millennials are moving into leadership positions, and they are motivated by something deeper than monetary rewards. Whatever the reason is, this hunger is fantastic. The more people who care about improving their leadership skills, the better off our businesses and people will be.


The Statute of Limitations on College Grades

As we move toward the end of the academic year for many colleges and universities, it is perhaps useful for students to be reminded that the final grade for any given course is quite unlikely to have a long-lasting influence on your life.


Are We Still in Need of Energy Economists?

Sometimes you have to provoke to draw attention to a subject! Now I seem to be tackling an institution established for long in the energy markets! Why is that?

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