How to Deal with Feedback

Have you gone through the emotional discomfort of being told you are not managing it well, you do not have the leadership skills, you are micromanaging, or you are just putting the burden off to us from your shoulders? 


5 Reasons Why Jamie Oliver's Restaurant Business Failed So Spectacularly

Was Jamie Olivers Italian restaurant chain always going to be a recipe for disaster? What is the naked truth behind this catastrophic failure from the naked chef? Well, according to experts (and me) he made 5 critical mistakes that were always going to make his business sink like a soufflé.


Disservice Department, How May I Help You?

5 rings: Welcome to our patient sickcare disservice department. Your business is important to us, so please wait for a disservice representative to take your call. The average wait time is 35 minutes. (musak on phone: Press 1 for jazz, 2 for classical or 3 for rock ). Many of your questions can be answered on this website, where we dis not just patients, but doctors too.


Marketers Must Learn to Anticipate Content Trends

Do you remember when MTV was the best way to get in front of the teen and young adult audience? Once mobile technology became popular, it didn’t take long for that age group to be on the move.


India Real Estate Welcomes Modi 2.0

Billions of Indians have given their verdict and the real estate sector has every reason to cheer. After all, the sector got the maximum policy-related attention during this government's first tenure. 

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