John Eades Leadership Expert

John is the CEO of LearnLoft, author of, F.M.L. Standing Out & Being a Leader and host of the 'Follow My Lead' Podcast. He writes or has been featured on, LinkedIn Pulse,,, CNBC Money, and more. John completed his education at the University of Maryland College. 


3 Questions Great Leaders Ask Their Remote Team Every Week

I can't lie, I used to think having remote workers was a terrible idea. I couldn't see any path for working remotely that created a better and more effective team. Having said that, the realities of commuting, employee demands, and cost have flipped the traditional work model on its head and have even forced some of my own team to work remotely.  

The Most Undervalued Characteristic of Leadership

The Most Undervalued Characteristic of Leadership

There are many entrepreneurial and leadership success stories in the world--but there may be none better than Starbucks and Howard Schultz. 

How Great Leaders Think About Employee Turnover

How Great Leaders Think About Employee Turnover

"John I have bad news, and I wanted you to be the first to know. I have been offered a new job that I just can't refuse."

The 3 Levels of Culture Your Company Must Avoid

The 3 Levels of Culture Your Company Must Avoid

Most of us can name companies known for not only their monetary success but their success in creating a culture in which employees are proud and happy to belong.

The 4 Most Important Levels of Leadership

The 4 Most Important Levels of Leadership

Most people who move into a management position get there because they were an excellent performer in their previous role. They immediately start working to create mini versions of themselves. Eventually, their team gets burnt out by trying to become something they aren't or they fail in the management role altogether.

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