Louis M. Profeta Healthcare Expert

Dr Louis M. Profeta is an emergency physician practicing in Indianapolis. He is one of LinkedIn's Top Voices and the author of the critically acclaimed book, The Patient in Room Nine Says He's God. Dr Louis holds a medical degree from the Indiana University Bloomington.

Covid, College, Drugs and Drink

Covid, College, Drugs and Drink

I’ve never met a heroin addict that did not try heroin.

A Commencement Address to the Graduates of the American School for the Outraged

A Commencement Address to the Graduates of the American School for the Outraged

Aren’t you getting a bit tired of being outraged?  

A COVID-19 Public Service Message from Your Local ER Doc

A COVID-19 Public Service Message from Your Local ER Doc

1. Don't come to the hospital for COVID-19 unless you are short of breath.

A Request to Hospital Administrators to Bring Back Drug Reps and All Their Free Lunches

A Request to Hospital Administrators to Bring Back Drug Reps and All Their Free Lunches

EHOB (a pressure injury prevention company) brought us cupcakes to the ER.

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