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Virtual Reality Simulations: A Game Changer for the Defense Sector

Virtual reality (VR) simulations are increasingly being recognized as a game changer for the defense sector.

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U.S. Imprisonment in International Context: What Alternatives?

The United States has about 5% of the world’s population.

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Why Britain Should Work Closely with Morocco

The relationship between the UK and Morocco is an important one, with a long history of trade, diplomatic ties and cultural exchange.

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What's Next for the UK Following Brexit Failure?

According to a recent study, Brexit has cost the UK a staggering £33bn in lost trade and investment.

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Should Central Banks Fear Inflation or Recession?

While many market participants are concerned about rate increases, they appear to be ignoring the largest risk: the potential for a massive liquidity drain in 2023.

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US Unionization Rate Hits All-time Low

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the percentage of U.S. workers who belong to a union dropped from 10.3% to 10.1%.

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