More in Science

6 years

Should You Eat Pasta?

I love pasta, and I cannot lie. For the most part, that’s why I eat it.

6 years

The Doctor Wounded Wallet Syndrome: Signs and Symptoms

Various sick care financial indicators tell us that the industry is struggling to adjust. The vitals signs are somewhat unstable and concerning. In some instances, they are confusing. While aggregate average operating margins for hospitals are dropping, building cranes are littering the landscape in other regions. While care is moving from the hospital to non-hospital locations, operating and profit margin reports are conflicting depending on whether you are reading about a new VA hospital with millions of dollars of cost overruns, or for-profit systems that make Google blush.

6 years

How to Win the Sick Care War for Talent

Suppose you threw a sick care talent party and no one came? The term War for Talent comes from a late-’90s warning from McKinsey & Co. that alerted business to a coming talent shortage and urged companies to prioritize talent strategies around recruiting, retaining, and developing key employees.

6 years

Robot-Proofing your Kids

A lot of parents and educators are worrying about how to robot-proof their kids so they don't become casualties of the 4th industrial revolution. A couple of days ago, I had the privilege to visit the front lines at the Denver School of Innovation and Sustainable Design as an invited guest speaker and entrepreneurship educator. I spoke to about 20 9th grade kids in their introduction to business class where they were in the midst of working on the businesses they had launched at the beginning of the course.

6 years

21 Years Ago

21 years ago, I saved a life. Yes, I have helped many women over the years, perhaps changed their life in some way, but this one time… this one time, there is no doubt in my mind, I saved this baby’s life.

6 years

The Concept of Conflict, Run Amok

For every inclination, it seems, there is an equal and opposite declination. For purposes here, for every colleague I know who thinks that industry funded research is always fine and no different, I know another who thinks it is always tainted. I am in the middle, where I so often find myself as opposing views clash.

6 years

Patients Don't Want to Make Decisions

By now you would think that since we are living in the world of patient autonomy and patient centered care that all patients want to make decisions when it comes to their care. Unfortunately, research indicates otherwise. Yet, we continue to hear lots about new digital tools, platforms and portals that claim to help patients do what they really don't want to do.