Here are Some Great Ways that Tech Can Save Your Business Money

When you operate a business, you may feel as though at times, all you try and do is save as much money as possible. One way for you to save the most money would be for you to try and switch to new and updated versions of tech. If you have never thought about doing this before then take a look below to find out more.


20 of the Best Photo Editing Software Solutions for Photographers

A photo can convey a thousand words; a carefully-edited photo can convey a million. Editing a photo has multiple benefits. It allows you to crop out busy backgrounds, beautify people and places, and improve tone, contrast, and textures. You can repair old pictures, focus or blur objects in a picture, convert static images to lifelike graphics, and much more.


Blue Hair: It Has New Meaning

I think many of us have had negative associations with the term “blue hair.” We think of older women with white hair except their hair looks unintentionally blueish. It has an odd blue tint. I always thought that was the aftermath of a certain hair dye on white hair. We often speak negatively about all the “blue hairs” at a particular event as if to message that everyone in attendance is old. I used to go to symphony years ago and remark at all the white-blue Q-Tips that occupied the rows in front of me. A sea of Q-Tips. It made me feel classical music was on the way out.


Uses of 3D Printing in Graphic Design and Visual Communication

3D printing has been thought to be the only part of prototyping industry for a very long time. However, it has changed the outlook of users worldwide after its application started affecting various other niches for good. Either its medical industry or aerospace, 3D printing has become a huge hit among experts who are using the technology to accomplish difficult goals with higher precision and success ratio.


Why Mississippi Deserves More Federal Aid, and Massachusetts Less

Imagine two school districts in a metropolitan area in the same state: one with higher incomes and property values, and the other with lower incomes and property values. Say that the schools are funded by local property taxes. Thus, if the same property tax rate applies to both school districts, children in the district with higher incomes and property values will have a lot more spent on their education than children in the district with lower incomes and property taxes.

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