How can a Hackathon Help your Business?

Does your company use hackathons? If you think that they are just for software companies and tech nerds then think again. Today every company has to be a software company and every innovator has to find new ways to meet customer needs. 


Manual Testing vs Automated Testing

Testing software is inevitable, regardless of what you are building: if the software you build is used, then it's being tested. Even if you write no test code, you will definitely still test what you build -- what's the point otherwise? The question is, though, will you automate those tests? Some would say without hesitation that we absolutely should have automated tests, regardless of what we are building or who's building it. I believe there is more nuance to this question, because automating tests takes engineering effort, and it's quite possible that that effort is not worth the reward in certain conditions.


Global Economic Outlook 2019

For 2019, the key factors that we need to think about are what is going to be the outlook on three levels: monetary, macro, and earnings. Watch my entire interview at Real Vision here.


Municipal or Local Utilities: A Strategic Puzzle

The unbundling of “utilities” activities often goes hand in hand with the opening up of markets. Any collusion between the network management activity and the energy sales activity is therefore prohibited which prohibits different investment choices from the DSO to give more value to a particular offer, service for example. Perhaps the proximity of the two activities will allow a better understanding of the issues and will push the DSO to develop a “richer” infrastructure … for the benefit of consumers and all suppliers.


Customer Insight Techniques in Healthcare

Finding the right product-market fit for your product or process improvement is the single most important step in new product development and failure to do so i.e. not producing something that customers want to buy or use, is the leading cause of startup failure. The second most common one is failing to use a VAST business model.

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