Filmmaker Says Truth about UFOs is not about Little Green Men but is Hiding in Plain Sight

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” — Hamlet to Horatio


Is It The Right Time To Invest In the Equity Market?

It is often seen that first-timers or new investors are worried about the correct timing of investing in mutual funds or into direct equities. Getting started at the wrong point in the ups and downs of the equity market is the continuous point of stress for novice investors.


How to Manage a Small Team Successfully

Most great leaders have an integral passion to lead and build elite teams. All want to lead great teams but there are only a few who are willing to lead small teams based on mediocrity and even moderation. Good teams take time, persistence and a regular chase of personal and professional development. It takes sustained personal introspection and action based on regular feedback to build great teams. All effective team management strategies are thus centred around sound leadership.


Why Don't People Buy More Annuities?

Among economists, it's sometimes known as the "annuities puzzle": Why don't people buy annuities as frequently as one might expect?


How to Lower US Sick Care Costs

If you are reading this, it is likely that you are furious about the cost of care in the US, opaque pricing, exhorbitant out of pocket expenses, unaffordable health insurance that leaves you holding the bag or a bankruptcy declaration anyway and maddening care and billing experiences and service.

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