4 Mind Blowing Big Data Applications

Technology is made for both, the usual and the unusual. While we have exploited it for major issues in the commercial domain, there still remain a lot of unexplored areas that analysts are now applying big data applications to, which are cool as well as purposive.


Conan’s Sword & Sorcery Tales and Marvel Comics Connected by Engrossing New Biographies

The late pulp magazine writer Robert E. Howard (1906-36) and veteran Marvel writer/editor Roy William Thomas lived decades apart, yet remain inherently connected by the legendary Cimmerian, warrior-king character Conan the Barbarian, and by two new literary biographies. Both are engrossing stories and published by Pulp Hero Press — “The World’s Most Dangerous Books” as the publisher Bob McLain quips. 


India: GST on Real Estate Maintains Status Quo

After much anticipation, the GST Council has failed to deliver a final verdict on GST applicable on real estate – but how much would it really have mattered?


The Ostrich Strategy

The Secret on how to lead a mediocre life: The Ostrich Strategy.


Will Artificial Intelligence Disrupt Your Profession?

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is a technological advance for humankind that has some people excited and others terrified of what is to come. The main concern is rooted in what A.I. will do to jobs, and how we as human beings will be affected by changes in digital and mechanical techniques.

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