Growth Hacking: How to Take Your Business to the Next Level

As an early stage start-up, growing a loyal customer base and retaining them are at the forefront of your strategic goals. To outsmart your competitors even with a small budget, you need to follow a set of rules and techniques in order to thrive online. Trending on LinkedIn or Twitter does not require lack or magic. There is a science behind why influencers share your content. That’s where growth hacking comes to play.


Military Service Has Taught Me Gratitude

I spent this past Independence Day in Washington, D.C. celebrating our country's founding in our nation's capital as I have for almost a decade straight. However this time it was different, as I now am a uniformed officer of our nation's armed services - and with that came a fundamentally different feel for what this holiday meant holiday as well as reflections on our modern economy, work world, millennial life, and more.


It Takes More than AI to Build a Successful Chatbot

No human involvement, round the clock access, and prompt replies cover almost all the USPs of a chatbot? Well, not that of an exceptional chatbot for sure. To build a successful chatbot, along with AI, companies need to focus on gathering critical data points so that chatbots handle conversations not just intelligently but appropriately.


Innovative Employee Retention Techniques & Strategies

Job hopping has become a new norm among the millennial. Despite the constant high rate of unemployment, employers face a tough time in retaining employees. This is especially true in sectors which are highly competitive industries. There is an equal amount of struggle for hiring managers for finding candidates for fresh postings and also retaining the ones which have already been hired. Businesses have to constantly think of new employee retention ideas to stop their employees from leaving.


China's Changing Relationship with the World Economy

China's economy is simultaneously huge in absolute size and lagging far behind the world leaders on a per person basis. According to World Bank data, China's GDP (measuring in current US dollars) is $13.6 trillion, roughly triple the size of Germany or Japan, but still in second place among countries of the world behind the US GDP of $20.4 trillion. However, measured by per capita GDP, the World Bank data shows that China is at $9,770, just one-sixth of the US level of $62,641.

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