Trading: A Life Less Ordinary

Not everyone could be or should be a trader.


Artificial Intelligence in the Apparel Industry

From outfit designing to spotting futuristic fashion trends to being a personal stylist to satisfying consumer experience, AI in the apparel industry will bring cutting-edge revolution and disruption that’s never been seen before.


8 Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms You Should Know About

Blockchain networks use a consensus mechanism among the various existing blockchains, based on the required resources and desired outcome.


Only 29% of H1 2019 Housing Supply Qualifies for Government Sops in top 7 Cities

Of total 1,39,490 units launched across top 7 cities in H1 2019, only 39,840 units fall within Govt-defined affordable category criteria (60 sq. mt. carpet area & priced <INR 45 lakhs) MMR saw maximum launches at 17,700 units, followed by Pune with 9,350 units; urban housing shortage in Maharashtra alone pegged at 19.7 lakh units Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad & Kolkata together comprise just 15% share (approx. 5,820 new units) of total affordable supply Nearly 2.40 lakh unsold units across the top 7 cities as on Q2 2019 are affordable but many fall outside the government's narrow 'affordable' definition – see an increase of nearly 3% against Q2 2018


The Importance of Clear Communication in Business

The life they say is a game of words. Anything can be achieved if you use the right words at the right time. This holds true for all endeavors of life may it be personal or professional relationships. If you are wondering how does that fit in the success of business marketing, just remember any scenario where you need to inform, convince, entertain or engage with others, communication is your trump card. Agreed, that the topic is endless but what we are going to focus on the importance of communication in business. This will keep us in focus.

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