Building Connections with Active Labor Market Policies

"Passive" labor market policies involve paying money to the unemployed, like with unemployment insurance. "Active" labor market policies involve a range of programs to assist the unemployed with finding jobs. In both categories, the US has long lagged well behind other high-income countries. Chad P. Bown and Caroline Freund review the evidence in "Active Labor Market Policies: Lessonsfrom Other Countries for the United States" (Peterson Institute for International Economics, January 2019. 19-2).


Cryptojacking is Emerging as a Menace for Corporations

  The growing adoption of blockchain and the seemingly continued bullishness of the cryptocurrency market have led to the rise of cryptojacking, which impacts the target’s processing capabilities, unlike other forms of cyber threats which impact the target’s data.


Benefits of IoT Sleep

As the director of marketing and communications at a leading IoT software company, I am always interested in the latest and greatest Internet of Things products. I am also slowly turning my Philadelphia row homeinto a smart home. We all have seen the smart home product displays in major box stores like Home Depot and Lowes. These are usually door locks, thermostats, lights, cameras, alarms, and more. However, when most people think of smart home products they do not immediately think of smart sound machines. As the father of two young children under five, I really enjoy a good night's sleep. As a resident of Philadelphia living in a row home with shared walls, my wife and I have been using a simple white noise machine for the past five years.


The Top 10 movies for 2019

2018 proved to be a pretty decent year at the flicks with blockbusters like Avengers: Infinity War and Black Panther to more arthouse films such as The Shape Of Water and Three Billboards. Of course there was the usual tosh (Oceans 8 springs to mind) but overall the bar was set fairly high. So what has Hollywood got in store for you this year?


How the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence are Protecting Wildlife from Poachers

Wildlife is on the verge of extinction due to a rise of poaching activities. World governments are protecting endangered wildlife by using the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), with the aim to fix this serious issue.

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